
Book of Golden Deeds and other awards at the banquet –

Book of Golden Deeds and other awards at the banquet –

Reid Hopkins and Pam Smith, recipients of the Book of Golden Deeds award, with Ireland Comstock (center), representative of Congressman Vince Fong

Photos and story by Catherine Stachowiak

The Kern Valley Exchange Club (KVEC) held its 51st annual induction banquet on Monday, June 24, at the Paradise Cove Lodge. Master of Ceremonies for the event was John Blythe, who also resigned from his position as president and joined the club upon completion of his term.

One of the highlights of the evening was the presentation of the prestigious Book of Golden Deeds award, which this year went to two recipients deemed worthy of the honour. The winners of the Book of Golden Deeds award this year were Pam Smith and Reid Hopkins.

KVEC Committee Chair Debbie Hess introduced Pam Smith as the winner of the Book of Golden Deeds Award, for which Blythe had not selected her in his capacity as president.

Smith did not seek recognition for her good deeds within the community, even though she served as the KVEC club secretary for many years. Smith is the business owner of Paradise Cove Lodge, which was named Business of the Year by the Kern River Valley Chamber of Commerce, and served as Grand Marshal for the annual Lake Isabella Christmas Parade. As owner of the Cove, Smith has hosted KVEC meetings weekly for all 51 years.

Smith was a retired long-time teacher in the Kernville Union School District. She dedicates her time to caring for local seniors, driving them to church and other locations, bringing meals to those in need, and helping the homeless and those suffering from addiction. Concerned about the underprivileged in the Kern Valley community, she has often opened her motel to those in need who needed free housing. Smith has donated sirloin steaks to the FFA for the Kern County Fair and recently hosted the Jockey Club awards breakfast for Kern Valley High School athletes.

Interestingly, Smith’s parents were both members of the exchange club. Her father, Bo Williams, was a founding member of the club and also received the Book of Golden Deeds Award in 1986.

Of Hopkins, Blythe said, “A central part of the exchange club is supporting the youth in our community. The exchange club supports students from all three of our local school districts and provides scholarships. But we also help with donations to local youth organizations. One of those organizations that this club supports every year is the One Spade Youth Packers, founded by Reid Hopkins and his wife Eileen.”

Hopkins began his career with the U.S. Forest Service in 1971 as a fire protection technician and foreman and packer for the trail construction crews, eventually moving into law enforcement with the Tulare County Sheriff’s Department and later the Bureau of Land Management. Hopkins was once named Police Officer of the Year by the Kern Valley Exchange Club.

Hopkins started the One Spade Youth Packers program in 1995 to help youth develop character and leadership skills. Participants in the program gain experience handling horses and mules and then train for national competitions at the world-famous Bishop Mule Days.

The program also offers the possibility of support with study and career placement.

In addition to the awards the two honorees received from KVEC, Field Director Cody Criswell, on behalf of Kern County Supervisor Phillip Peters, presented Smith and Hopkins with special recognition awards for their good deeds in the community. Ireland Comstock, Field Representative for Congressman Vince Fong, presented the two honorees with certificates of recognition for their service to the community.

Winning the Exchangeite of the Year award that night was Michael Ryan. In addition to helping out in the community with scholarships, he has also supported youth in the community and served on the board of KVEC.

As an exchange student, Alan Paradise, the principal of Kern Valley High School, won the Rookie of the Year Award. Blythe said Paradise cares deeply about providing high school students with a quality education.

Also during the evening, Kyle Denys, Kern Valley High School graduate and KVEC Student of the Year, was recognized with applause.

Blythe handed the bell and gavel to the newly installed president of the KVEC, Fred Roach.

Reid Hopkins and his wife Eileen
John Blythe, President of the KVEC, resigned that evening
Pam Smith and her son Joey
Fred Clark (right), President of the Kern River Valley Chamber of Commerce, sits with his family
Ireland Comstock (left), representing Congressman Vince Fong, sits with Man of the Year Gary Zuber and his wife Karen, and (front) Cody Criswell, representing Supervisor Peter.
Student of the Year Kyle Denys received applause along with his mother
(Left) President of the KVEC with the principal of Kern Valley High School Alan Paradise, Rookie of the Year
(Left) President of KVEC with Michael Ryan, Stockbroker of the Year
Pam Smith receives her Book of Golden Deeds award
Reid Hopkins presents his award “Book of Golden Deeds”
Board members and officials of the KVEC take the oath of office
The newly appointed president of the Kern Valley Exchange Club, Fred Roach, receives the gavel and bell of his office