
Start a fight for the independence of Cthulhu with these campaigns

Start a fight for the independence of Cthulhu with these campaigns

The 4th of July marks the middle of summer in America. It’s a great time to grill, set off fireworks, and celebrate the country. It’s also a great time to start a brand new roleplaying campaign over the long weekend.

Attention! Cthulhu, by Modiphius, skilfully combines real history and horror literature into an action-packed game. Players are drawn into the Secret War, which takes place at the same time as World War II. The Axis powers are not the only thing that must be defeated, as the minions of the Cthulhu Mythos are trying to exploit the global chaos to advance their inscrutable plans.

ForbesFight the dreaded Cthulhu with some rude warfare

The company has released several multi-episode campaigns, many of which depict major historical moments of the war. In addition, there are several short adventures, many of which have been compiled into mission dossiers that can be distributed between campaigns. Here’s a look at each of the campaign books, along with a preview of what players and game masters can expect.

Attention! Cthulhu Shadow of Atlantis

Before being re-released under the 2d20 rules system, Modiphius was introduced by games such as Star Trek Adventure And Dune, beware! Cthulhu was first published under Call of Cthulhu And Wild worlds. The game still had roots in pulp adventures, but they were more inspired by Indiana Jones than Captain America: The First Avenger.

Shadow of Atlantis is an adaptation from the original era of the game that feels more like an adventure for some globetrotting archaeologists. Rather than focusing on a specific war zone or famous battle, players are sent on a race around the world to discover the truth about the famous sunken city. Will the relics they hunt bring a superweapon to the field, or will they awaken something that has lain hidden in dreams for eons?

Attention! Cthulhu, the snake and the sand

When most Americans think of World War II, they think of the rainy, muddy forests of Europe or the windswept oceans of the Pacific. Africa was also a key front line of the battle. The Snake and the SandGermany, however, hopes to secure an eternal loyalty that will support it in its war effort.

The players receive new character options and equipment that is better suited to the desert landscape. The game master gets the chance to form a new faction in the Secret War with the Serpent People of Yig. They want to rebuild their old empire and only the players can stop them.

Attention! Cthulhu Forest of Fear

Two human factions seek to exploit the myth to ensure German victory in World War II. Black Sun is a secret society of occultists seeking to master strange spells and political intrigue. Night Wolves develops terrifying technologies that exceed human imagination.

These two rival organizations join forces in Forest of Fear to turn the tide of the Battle of the Bulge. German tanks are bad enough, but when combined with some of the most terrifying creatures in mythology, they can halt the Allied advance. In addition to new options and details about the front lines, this book includes a complete campaign with 11 missions to play through.

Attention! Cthulhu D-Day: The Darkest Hour

This latest campaign for Attention! Cthulhu focuses on the most memorable battle of the war. D-Day marked the beginning of the liberation of Europe as a massive force of Allied troops fought for every inch of bloody beach. It was a major turning point in modern history.

Not only the players of D-Day: The Darkest Hour Not only must they see it first hand, but they must also use everything they have learned to stop the occult copycats on the mainland. There is a possibility that the leaders of Black Sun and Nachtwolfe have decided to destroy the Earth if they cannot control it. The campaign works as a great conclusion to a long chronicle or a summary of what Attention! Cthulhu unique.

Attention! Cthulhu is available directly from Modiphius, through online retailers, or from friendly local game stores.