
Strike possible as Mission Hospital nurses union continues talks

Strike possible as Mission Hospital nurses union continues talks

The contract between HCA and its nurses at Mission Hospital in Asheville expired on Tuesday, but the nurses’ union has decided to continue negotiations and postpone a possible strike decision.

When the contract expires, nurses and the hospital are left with the status quo. That is, the terms of the previous contract will remain in place until the contract is renegotiated and ratified. Nurses will still retain their union rights.

The Asheville nurses union, which National Nurses United called “the biggest union election victory in the South in 12 years” when it was formed in 2020, is the first of its kind in North Carolina.

However, the nurses are deeply dissatisfied with their contract with Tennessee-based for-profit hospital chain HCA, which acquired the former nonprofit Mission Health in 2019. Mission Health operates Mission Hospital in Asheville as well as hospitals and other medical facilities in predominantly rural communities in surrounding counties.

The union held two rallies in June, and after the second one, nurses suggested the possibility of a strike.

Nurses cite problems with nurse and patient safety, staff shortages and low wages. Collective bargaining with HCA has been largely fruitless, they say. There have, however, been some important successes.

In their last round of collective bargaining on June 27, the parties agreed on the design of the contract relating to technology in the hospital.

“We want technology to improve our profession and the care of our patients, but not to replace the nurse at the bedside,” Elle Krutaa Mission Health nurse and member of the union’s negotiating team, told Carolina Public Press.

“We got that agreement through, which was great. But we still want to have safe staff to help us reduce workplace violence and provide nurses with meal and rest breaks. So we will continue to negotiate in good faith.”

According to HCA, the same applies to the company.

“Nurses are an important part of our care team and we remain committed to achieving a fair and equitable contract agreement,” said the HCA spokesperson. Nancy Lindell CPP said in an email.

The next negotiation session is on July 16.

“The negotiations will not end until we have a treaty that we can ratify,” Kruta said.

When the nursing staff go on strike

If the nurses do decide to strike, a vote will be held to authorize the strike. If the nurses vote in favor, the union must give the hospital 10 days’ notice of a possible walkout.

HCA is already making preparations to keep Mission Health open in the event of a strike, but hopes to avoid one.

“We have taken proactive steps, including contracting with fully qualified, state-certified and certified nursing staff who can provide high-quality care to the communities we serve,” Lindell said.

“If they go on strike, there will be some short-term disruption, but for the most part everything will continue,” David Madlanda senior fellow at the progressive policy institute Center for American Progress Action Fund and an advocate for unions in North Carolina, told CPP.

Madland said it is possible that in the event of a strike, some long-term planned procedures would be delayed, but essential services such as emergency room operations would continue.

“The real question is what happens in the long term and whether nurses get higher wages, better benefits and improved protections for themselves and their patients,” Madland said.

“If they don’t get those things, the question is whether (the hospital) will be able to recruit or retain adequate staff. That has a significant impact, not only on staff and their conditions, but also on the quality of patient care.”

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