
Rotary Club welcomes new board members

Rotary Club welcomes new board members

July 1 – THOMASVILLE – A farewell celebration for Rotary Club President Mary Beth Donalson was held Thursday afternoon, where members welcomed new president Marta Jones Turner.

Donalson was touched as she thanked the club for everything over the past calendar year.

“As I prepare to step down from a role that you have all so humbly blessed me with, I am reminded of the amazing year we have had,” she said through tears. “From our first community gardens to exciting programs to fun and engaging projects, this year would not have been possible without the Rotarians in this room.”

Donalson also thanked her husband and son, who were also present, for their support in her service to the community. As a token of her gratitude, she presented both of them with Paul Harris Fellowships.

“They’ve been there for me through good days and bad, but mostly the good,” she joked. “My husband has been my rock this year.”

Donalson said she would also be remiss if she didn’t thank her board for keeping her on track this year.

After a standing ovation, former District Governor Fran Milberg told the club that the new calendar year would begin on July 1 and that a new board would take over the business.

“Club presidents must have good leadership skills,” she said. “We expect club presidents to bring something special to our club.”

Milberg thanked Donalson for her exceptional leadership over the past year and told the club it would be in good hands with the president-elect for the 2024/25 season.

Turner has had a colorful past with the Rotary Club of Thomasville and spoke proudly about it when she was named president.

Nearly 30 years ago, Turner was invited to be the first female member of the Rotary Club of Thomasville. Since then, she has held numerous positions before finally being asked by her fellow Rotarians to become president.

“The members have confidence in you as a person and in your leadership abilities,” Milberg told her. “As a Rotarian, you have shown us your passion for selfless service. This year, you will help us understand the new theme, ‘The Magic of Rotary,’ as you serve this community.”

Turner thanked her fellow Rotarians and told them she would do her best to continue the long tradition of selfless service for which the Rotary Club of Thomasville is known.

The new board of directors for the 2024-25 year was also recognized. The board for this year consists of President-elect Nate Tyler, Past President Donalson, Secretary Anna Lee, Treasurer Warren Ballard, Membership Director Angela Williamson, Director of Public Image David Sofferin, Director of Club Administration Devona Thompson, Foundation Director Carol Jones, Director of Community Service Barbara Williams Anderson, Director of Youth Services Chandler Giddes, Director Scott Rich, and Executive Secretary Teri White.

“Officers and directors, you now become members of the exclusive club of Rotary leaders,” Milberg said. “You have this year to lead the Rotary Club of Thomasville and become better Rotarians serving our community, our district and the world.”

Turner told Milberg and the club that the board had already begun its meetings and that they had big plans for this year that they were excited to put into action after the Fourth of July holiday.