
Who is the voice actor for Ajax in The First Descendant?

Who is the voice actor for Ajax in The First Descendant?

If you have played The first descendantthen you may have heard a familiar voice and are trying to figure out who Ajax’s voice actor is. You are most likely correct if you have a sneaking suspicion that you have heard this talented voice actor before.

Who is the voice actor for Ajax in The First Descendant?

Ajax’s voice actor is none other than the mighty Doug Cockle, who was immortalized in the minds of gamers as Geralt of Rivia from The Sorcerer series. Ajax is one of the first descendants in the game and because of his badass design, many people choose him.

According to Doug Cockles Spotlight, he was already working on the recordings for The First Descendant in 2022. He has done a lot of voice work in the industry and is in Dying Light 2, Iron Harvest, Eurotruck Simulator, Monster Hunter World, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Divisionand one of my personal favorites, Victor Vran.

So, yes, you were right and most likely knew exactly who lent his voice to Ajax, you may just have had a little trouble naming him.

The First Descendant is now available.

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