
Forget dragon slaying – in Nightshift, working in a strip club is a REAL challenge

Forget dragon slaying – in Nightshift, working in a strip club is a REAL challenge

Night shift takes board games away from the fantasy or science fiction world and dedicates them – with a few unusual twists – to the real challenges that real people have to face.

That’s exactly what I meant when I talked about the importance of board game themes the other day. Night shift is a perfect example of how a theme can make a game stand out from the crowd. First you take some action point economy, mix in some gambling mechanics, and top it all off with a theme that isn’t just another steampunk fantasy, and Now you have something really interesting.

This is actually not even the first time I’ve talked about this Night shift. Around this time last year, we got a first look at the game after it was first announced. But now it’s officially on Kickstarter and we have a lot more information. I promised a sequel, and also Night shift is currently at the top of BGG’s hotness list. So let’s go! And who says BoLS isn’t always on the cutting edge of board games?

Night shift overview

In Night shiftPlayers take on the role of a stripper. The main goal of players is to charm customers in order to make as much money as possible over the course of the evening. Players may have the opportunity to bother other dancers’ customers, but this could cost them more in the long run.

Each round, players use action points to navigate the club and find new customers. Each customer has their own combination of wealth and loyalty. Some even have a preference for a particular dancer. To engage with customers, you must roll the dice and add the dancer’s skill value to the roll. Power cards and maybe a few drinks can also affect the outcome.

Once a customer is charmed, players can take them to a private room or, better yet, the VIP room. Here, players use a “push your luck” mechanic to maximize profit from the customer without breaking the illusion. This is done either by combining dance moves by drawing cards in the private room or by rolling dice in the VIP room.

Buying drinks at the bar can be a great way to persuade clients to meet you in private or keep them around a little longer. Just don’t forget to remember when to come on stage, as this can earn you extra tips and bonus power cards. Strange things can happen during a full moon, though, so be prepared for anything when you see the Night shift.

Night shift is currently running a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, so be sure to check it out. Or follow the game’s main page for all the latest news. Like I said, it’s great that Night shift not only explores a new gaming theme but also helps break down stigmas surrounding this popular industry.

Do you help your fellow dancers or do you play unfairly?

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Matt has always loved games of all kinds: board games, video games, war games, role-playing games. He has been working as a writer for BoLS since 2017. He has worked as a freelance editor for board game rule books and has also designed many of his own games.

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