
Teacher gives student full marks for 19-word essay on Fight Club

Teacher gives student full marks for 19-word essay on Fight Club

A 19-word essay by a student about Fight Club I got full marks in the end.

Yep, only 19 words – not even the maximum number of words allowed to submit a post on X.

For most of us (you know, those who don’t like sitting around on a weekday and writing endless pages of work), essays are a source of absolute dread.

Anyone who has ever spent a night in the library writing for a school exam or a university assignment knows the stress of trying to squeeze all the important details into a few hundred words. Or worse, having to ramble on for thousands of words about a single topic.

But against all odds, students often manage to express the same thing in 10 different ways to meet the required word count. However, this brave student chose a different approach to write about the legendary film.

She decided to base her essay on the 1999 cult hit starring Edward Norton and Brad Pitt, in which their characters decide to form a masochistic underground fight club.

And somehow the student managed to do this in just 19 words – no matter how much one could talk about the film – and received an impressive grade from her teacher.




Allison Garrett shared this great achievement on X, writing, “The assignment for Essay 5 was to write a review of a movie we had seen. The opportunity arose and I took it.”

So what groundbreaking analysis did she present to receive such rave reviews?

She began her essay by quoting the film’s most famous line: “The first rule of Fight Club is: Don’t talk about Fight Club.”

She didn't have much to say about the film. (20th Century Fox)

She didn’t have much to say about the film. (20th Century Fox)

And at the bottom of the page add: “That’s all, this is my essay.”

I mean, applause for the courage there.

In the comments she wrote: “I can’t say I’m sorry because that would be a lie. Am I proud? Yes.”

As proof that this was no joke, Allison also posted a screenshot of her teacher’s comments after he read her “essay.”

Most of us would be scared to death after writing such an essay and would have to wait for the very last scolding from our teacher, but Allison’s professor was simply impressed – but warned against trying the same thing with any other faculty member.

Honestly, pretty awesome. (X/@allisonbdelk)

Honestly, pretty awesome. (X/@allisonbdelk)

They wrote in the comments section of the submission page: “I struggled with this grade for a long time. I finally came to the conclusion that you get a grade for a laugh and how relevant your review is to that particular film.”

“I warn you: DO NOT try this with other professors. They may not have my sense of humor.”

Since it was shared, Allison’s post has attracted a lot of attention online.

One person wrote: “I was always told that life is about taking risks… I was scared to say the least.”

Allison later added, “I got 100 points for the paper and passed the class with an A.”