
The Newtown Bridge Club hosts the annual “Longest Day” fundraiser

The Newtown Bridge Club hosts the annual “Longest Day” fundraiser

Published: 02.07.2024 07:00

Each year, the Alzheimer’s Association hosts several “Longest Day” fundraisers across the country. Some host marathons, others motorcycle rides, and still others bowling tournaments. Here in Newtown, the Newtown Bridge Club hosted its 8th Annual Longest Day Fundraiser to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association on June 18th.

The event is planned around the summer solstice, also known as the longest day of the year, to symbolise the long battle that lies ahead for people diagnosed with or affected by the disease. Linda Dale Mulholland, assistant club manager, said: “There are so many people affected… Everywhere you go, someone is affected by (Alzheimer’s).”

The devastating effect of Alzheimer’s disease is something the Bridge Club is very concerned about, as Jon, the husband of director Rosemary Benedict, was diagnosed with the disease some time ago. “The Alzheimer’s Association is a great resource,” Benedict said. “They have 24/7 hotlines and you can really call anytime.”

The event began at 10 a.m. last Tuesday and ran until 5 p.m. Tuesday evening. Players were in Round 7 just before noon, with their lunch break beginning at 1 p.m. The Alexandria Room at Edmond Town Hall was packed with bridge tables and players, as was the gymnasium downstairs. Bridge tables were on one side of the gymnasium, Scrabble games on the other. The youngest Scrabble player there just graduated from third grade.

The Scrabble players also started at 10 a.m., but did not leave Edmond City Hall until 9:30 p.m. Cornelia Guest, the Scrabble games director, explained that this was her fourth year leading Scrabble games with the Newtown Bridge Club for Longest Day. The bridge club did not have enough people to fill the gym at Edmond City Hall one year, so they asked Guest if she would lead some games during their fundraiser.

“I’m so grateful to the Newtown Bridge Club for allowing me access to the overflow area,” said Guest. She continued, “People were really generous (this year), giving more than the price of admission.”

The Scrabble players raised just over $2,000 for the Alzheimer’s Association.

Last year, the Newtown Bridge Club ranked 14th in the nation in bridge club fundraisers, raising more than $16,000 and “hoping to match or exceed that this year,” Mulholland said.

“We’re going to hit 20 this year,” Benedict said with a wink. The club is well on its way to reaching that goal, with an estimated $20,000 raised so far this year.”


Reporter Sam Cross can be reached at [email protected].

The Newtown Bridge Club held its annual Longest Day fundraiser on Tuesday, June 18. The gymnasium at Edmond City Hall was packed with bridge and Scrabble players. —Bee Photos, Cross

Bridge players gathered in the Alexandria Room of Edmond Town Hall to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Association.

Andrew Wilen was the winner of the Morning B Division Scrabble at just eight and a half years old. — Photo courtesy of Cornelia Guest

Scrabble winner Eric Goldstein stands proudly with his trophy.

Scrabble winner Josylin Hodge-Watson shows her trophy.

Rosemary Benedict, director of the Newtown Bridge Club, has personally experienced the devastating effects of Alzheimer’s disease on a family.