
Survey: Women in Michigan no longer vote because of abortion

Survey: Women in Michigan no longer vote because of abortion

Women in Michigan are far more concerned about inflation and rising household costs than they are about abortion. According to a recent poll, the majority of women believe that the abortion issue in their state has now been resolved.

That’s a big change from just two years ago, when nearly 70% said ensuring the right to reproductive freedom was an important reason for their vote. Back then, Michigan voters passed Proposition 3, a law enshrining comprehensive reproductive rights in the state constitution, just months after Dobbs Decision overturned Roe v. Wade.

“We really wanted to see if, now that abortion is no longer directly on the ballot, Michigan women are still motivated by this issue to get out to the polls,” said Ashley Kirzinger, deputy director of polling at KFF, a nonprofit health policy research and news organization. (The pollsters surveyed 876 female voters in Michigan between May 23 and June 5 of this year, both online and by phone, with results weighted to reflect voter demographics.)

More than 40 percent of all women voters say inflation is the most important issue now, while only 10 percent say abortion is the most important factor in their voting decision. And 60 percent of all women said they believe the question of whether abortion is legal in Michigan has been decided.

“They think the issue is over,” Kirzinger said. “It’s not their most important election issue. Instead, the economy and inflation and the cost of household spending seem to be the most pressing issues for them right now.”

The enthusiasm gap: Nearly half of Democrats disapprove of Biden’s handling of inflation

Democratic women in Michigan are overall satisfied with President Joe Biden’s job, giving him high marks on student loan repayment, reproductive rights and health care affordability. But only 17 percent “strongly approve” of his handling of inflation, while another 36 percent “somewhat approve” and 47 percent of Democratic women disapprove.

However, support is also dwindling among an important demographic that President Biden needs for his victory in Michigan: black voters.

“That was one of the warning signs that really caught our attention: Black women voters in Michigan are much less likely to say they plan to vote for President Biden today than they were in 2020,” Kirzinger said.

Still, black women in Michigan are about three times more likely than white women to say a candidate’s political party is the most important factor in their choice of president, the poll shows.

“They still have a positive opinion of the Democratic Party, so they may vote because they’re going to vote for a Democrat,” Kirzinger said. “They’re just not particularly enthusiastic about voting for President Biden.”

And women in Michigan are concerned about threats to democracy: 19% of all female voters in the state say that’s their biggest concern. “So they may not be voting for President Biden, but they’re voting against former President Trump,” Kirzinger said. “I think that’s what’s really driving different parts of the Democratic electorate in Michigan.”

Meanwhile, Republican women in Michigan are overwhelmingly satisfied with the job of former President Donald Trump, especially his handling of the economy.

“There is definitely an enthusiasm gap in 2024, with Democratic women in Michigan less motivated and less enthusiastic and less likely to say they will vote compared to 2022,” Kirzinger said. “But Republican women in Michigan seem to be more motivated and quite enthusiastic about their candidate.”

This poll should show both parties that Michigan women are frustrated and insecure, Kirzinger said. “They’re struggling to feed their families, pay for housing, gas, and transportation. So who’s going to be the candidate that’s going to ease that burden on Michigan families?” That’s “what needs to be talked about across the ballot for candidates to be successful this fall.”