
Does Frieren love Heaven in Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End? Explained

Does Frieren love Heaven in Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End? Explained

We are all still shocked by the beautiful tragedy that Freeze: Beyond Journey’s EndAbove all, we can’t stop thinking about a heartbreaking relationship.

To put things in context, Frieren is an elf. She is an elf mage who has powers beyond human comprehension. 500 years could pass her by in the blink of an eye and she would barely notice. The speed at which she processes emotions would not be the same as a human. She has had the luxury of thinking about her feelings for years, but humans are not like that.

Heaven, on the other hand, is only human. He is remembered as a great hero, but he lived a much shorter lifespan. Heaven was lucky to live to his final years, and most likely he didn’t even live to be 100 years old.

I’ve watched and read through everything and processed all the emotional damage so that I can answer your question. The simple answer is yes, freezing loves heaven. But there is a more accurate and dramatic answer to all of this.

Himmel fell in love first, but Frieren fell in love with him even more. It was implied that Himmel’s feelings remained the same until his death. Although he secretly loved her, Frieren didn’t realize she felt the same until decades too late.

If she had noticed all the signs earlier, she would not love the spirit of a hero who once fought by her side.

Love a memory

The history of Freeze: Beyond Journey’s End is largely about Frieren and her current party. But the show is littered with flashbacks that Frieren had with her former party, consisting of Himmel, Heiter, and Eisen. In most cases, Frieren remembered Himmel fondly.

Frieren cried and regretted not having known about heaven when she still could. This realization changed Frieren’s attitude towards people. She got to know them better and tried to understand their feelings.

Many people Frieren once knew died in her lifetime. But her feelings for Himmel and her regrets about him had sparked a change in her attitude toward relationships. If that’s not love, I don’t know what is.

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