
“Jake Tapper doesn’t like being exposed as an anti-Trump supporter”

“Jake Tapper doesn’t like being exposed as an anti-Trump supporter”

Host of NewsNation Chris Cuomo suggested on Monday that the moderators of CNN’s first presidential debate did not fact-check the former president’s statements. Donald Trump because they were successfully intimidated by the Trump campaign.

During an appearance on Cuomo’s show, NewsNation correspondent Geraldo Rivera criticized CNN moderators Jake Tapper And Dana Bash for failing to check Trump’s “outright lies” during Thursday’s debate.

“He should have been called out in real time for the exaggerations and blatant lies in the debate,” Rivera protested. “Why didn’t the moderators say, ‘Wait a minute, President Trump, that’s not a fact. In fact, it’s a lie?'”

Cuomo – who was fired from CNN in December 2021 – responded: “Because he influenced the referees, Geraldo, that’s why. Because they bashed the anchors at CNN for weeks and it worked, and in the end they waived a fact check because they didn’t want the drama, because people are vulnerable to criticism.”

He continued: “In this business, you are one of the few major stars in media history where people know you not only by your full name, but by your first name as well. You are like Madonna. But most of us don’t like having our names mentioned. Jake Tapper doesn’t like being called an anti-

Trump, and I think that was reflected in her behavior on Thursday night.”

CNN was criticized by liberals for failing to fact-check Trump’s comments during Thursday’s live debate.

“CNN should be ashamed,” a Democrat close to the Biden campaign said in a statement to Mediaite. “Jake and Dana are good journalists, but last night they were not journalists. They were statues demeaning their profession and should be angry at their employer for not allowing them to do their jobs.”

CNN even faced criticism from within the network. One CNN journalist told Mediaite: “We screwed up.”

Watch the video above via NewsNation.