
Eminem announces release date of “Death of Slim Shady” with horror trailer

Eminem announces release date of “Death of Slim Shady” with horror trailer

A one-minute video brings the line “Little Baby Devil” from “Houdini” to life

With The Death of Slim Shady comes the birth of a demon child. On Monday, Eminem announced with a one-minute horror trailer that he will release his upcoming LP on July 12th.

The video begins with a woman giving birth to a baby. “When I count to three, you have to push as hard as you can,” the doctor tells her. After the birth, the woman holds the child in her arms and says, “You’re the little bastard who always kicked me.”

Then the baby opens its pitch-black eyes before growing devil horns and sharp, demonic teeth. “Holy shit!” the doctor and nurses shout together. The trailer then switches to the name and release date of The Death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grâce) in colorful graffiti.

The image appears to depict the lyrics “little devil baby with forked tongue hanging out” from the LP single “Houdini,” released in late May.

Eminem announced the album in a mock documentary-inspired trailer about the death of his alter ego. “Through his complex and oft-criticized tongue-twisting rhymes, the antihero known as Slim Shady had no shortage of enemies,” a reporter explained in the clip. He then published a fake obituary in the Detroit Free Press.


“His complex and torturous existence has come to an end, and the legacy he leaves behind is no closer to resolution than the manner in which this figure left this world,” the obituary said.

Eminem’s last LP, Music to murderwas released in January 2020. Dr. Dre previously told Jimmy Kimmel: “Eminem is working on his own album that’s coming out this year. I actually talked to him and he said it would be okay if I announced it here on this show. So, he’s coming out with an album soon, I have songs on it and it’s awesome.”