
Brief: The legacy of the Vietnam War – Anchorage Daily News

Brief: The legacy of the Vietnam War – Anchorage Daily News

From Lynn Willis

Updated: 1 one minute ago Published: 1 one minute ago

On the Vietnam Memorial, plaque/line 15W/86, “WILLIS WAYNE JOHNSON” is listed.

He was killed in action on December 23, 1969, in Quang Nam Province, 1st Corps, Republic of Vietnam. I knew “Willy” Johnson. I believe he died preserving a form of government that, however flawed, offers the best hope for freedom and independence.

Now some of us may objectively ask what my friend died for.

Why do so many now seem to prefer the “law of the rulers” over the “rule of law”? How can one of our U.S. Senators from Alaska, a lawyer and United States Marine Corps Reserve officer, be so disparaging of my friend’s sacrifice by comparing the conviction of Donald Trump, who surely had access to more legal representation than I could ever afford, to a Stalinist “show”?

Trial”, using the saying attributed to the Soviets: “Show me the man and I will show you the crime?”

How can an Alaska State Representative and West Point graduate ignore his oath as an Army officer and “keep” the “oath” of an extremist organization that appears to be more in line with his current political philosophy and aspirations?

Does the character still count?

Apparently, this is not so much the case, as Donald Trump prepares to represent the Republican Party as the candidate for President of the United States – a reflection of the changed political reality in America and Alaska.

Yet I refuse to believe that my friend and comrade died in vain.

— Lynn Willis

Eagle River

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