
Energy Action Days Help Customers Save Energy and Money – Sterling Journal-Advocate

Energy Action Days Help Customers Save Energy and Money – Sterling Journal-Advocate

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Xcel Energy Colorado customers who receive email alerts from Xcel Energy will soon receive Energy Action Day alerts as the program expands to Colorado. The Energy Action Day emails will encourage residential customers to reduce their energy use on peak demand days, which are typically the 5 to 10 hottest afternoons in the summer. The alerts will include energy saving tips that will help reduce overall system energy use while providing cost savings for customers. Cooling the home can account for about half of the electric bill in the summer.

Customers will begin receiving Energy Action Day introductory emails in mid-June. The Energy Action Day program has been running in Minnesota for several years. Customers can opt out of the program by clicking the link in the email.

Energy saving tips customers might find in the email include:

• Install a programmable thermostat that increases the temperature when the house is empty and lowers it to a comfortable level when everyone gets home.

• Use ceiling fans to circulate cool air throughout the house.

• Open interior doors to improve the circulation of cool air inside.

• Close curtains and blinds during the heat of the day.

• Turn off lights and electronic devices when not in use.

• Washing machines, tumble dryers and dishwashers should only be run with a full load after the heat of the day. This keeps the house cooler and puts less strain on the electricity grid.

Customers can find further information on the Energy Action Days website.

For more tips on saving money and energy, Xcel Energy has its Energy Saving Tips page. The company also offers incentives and rebates to help customers make their homes and businesses more efficient. Information about these programs can be found at

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