
Netflix gives you free games you’ll love and you ignore it

Netflix gives you free games you’ll love and you ignore it


  • Netflix Games offers subscribers a variety of popular indie games for free and
    nobody uses it
    . I know we all hate Netflix, but come on. Free games.
  • Upcoming titles include Thirsty Suitors, The Case of the Golden Idol, and Cozy Grove: Camp Spirit.
  • These games are tailored to different player preferences, so there’s something for everyone. Except for diehard triple-A players, I guess.

Netflix Games is one of the most underrated ways to play video games, and I tell people about it all the time. Because it seems to refuse to market itself, no one outside of the gaming world really talks about it or even knows it exists. I’ve explained to several people in my circle of friends that some of the best indie games in the industry are free to play on the platform if they already have a Netflix subscription, and as much as we all like to complain about the streaming platform, most of us still do.

A quick look at the platform’s offerings tells me that there is Death’s Door, Hades, Kentucky Route Zero, Oxenfree and its sequel, Raji: An Ancient Epic, Braid, Shovel Knight, Immortality… The list goes on and on. There are even three early GTA games there. But nobody knows that they exist and that they can be played at no extra cost. And ad-free (at least for now).

We’re now seeing even more popular indie games on Netflix, and I find myself again begging my friends to play them, arguing that they don’t even have to pay to try them out. This month, Thirsty Suitors, The Case of the Golden Idol, and Cozy Grove: Camp Spirit will be available on the platform. All are aimed at different types of gamers, and yet no one seems all that excited about them. So I’m here to sell you on these games, with the reminder that you can play them for free.

Thirsty suitors

This story-driven skateboarding/cooking RPG is sure to capture the imagination of players who love turn-based combat, a mechanic that also makes the game conveniently portable to mobile devices.

Slick, fast-paced and stylish, Thirsty Suitors follows Jala, a woman who returns home after a bad breakup and must try to repair her relationships with her family, friends and others. That means battling her six ex-boyfriends, for reasons you’ll discover. With a diverse cast, great voice acting and a strong narrative, there’s really no reason not to check this out. There’s no set release date yet, but it’s coming. And it’s free.

The Fall of the Golden Idol

This puzzle-adventure game was loved by critics and gamers alike when it was released in 2022, and I would even go so far as to say it revolutionized the detective genre. My colleague Eric Switzer wrote an article comparing it to Return of the Obra Dinn, which is an apt comparison.

It’s perfect for mobile, as most of the gameplay revolves around exploring different areas, gathering clues, and piecing them together in a fill-in-the-blank mechanic that allows you to figure out the who, what, why, when, and where of 12 bizarre, bloody deaths and how they all relate to each other. It’s one of my favorite puzzle games of all time, and with a sequel planned for sometime in 2024, this is the perfect way for newcomers to experience the game. It’s already available in the Netflix library. Again, free here.

Cozy Grove: Camp Spirit

Cozy Grove: Camp Spirit is a sequel to Cozy Grove, a real-time Animal Crossing-style life simulation. I’ve been playing it for two days and I’m loving it. You’re a scout stranded on an island, but don’t stress about it – there are plenty of friendly spirit bears to keep you company. The Cozy Grove games work so well because they have time limits on the number of quests you can complete per real-time day. This encourages you to explore the world and interact with the characters, but you’re not overwhelmed with tasks so that you get sucked into the game and rush through it in a few turns.

Instead, Cozy Grove: Camp Spirit feeds you quests and stories over weeks or even months, so you can check on your camp over lunch, on the way to work, or in bed, and then put your phone down and do something else. It’s easy to fit into your life, it’s well-written, the graphics are cute, and the characters are compelling. It’s out now, so you can start playing right away. Plus, it’s free.


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