
Our Social Value Impact Report 2023

Our Social Value Impact Report 2023

Team Forces is proud to announce its third Social Impact Report (SIR) for 2023, covering the ongoing development of our collective contribution to the UK Government’s Social Value themes and objectives. Social Value underpins the UK Government’s Sustainability and Prosperity (HMG) objectives. Suppliers who successfully win HMG contracts must demonstrate how they are the catalyst for return on investment (RoI) for the Crown, UK taxpayers and all citizens.

This Team Forces Social Value Impact Report provides objective evidence of how we are performing as a scale-up organisation in the UK defence and security sector, driven by the incredible and incremental support of existing and new sponsors. The report reflects on Team Forces’ achievements in 2023 and looks forward for the first time to our goals for 2024 and 2025. Our post-Covid pivot to public engagement in support of social impact through sport, challenge and charity partners has future-proofed Team Forces – in hindsight, the pandemic was a crisis opportunity. More importantly, this pivot enables Team Forces to significantly scale the social impact portfolio for the benefit of beneficiaries, sponsors and our team.

Over the last year, 23 Team Forces Social Impact Projects have maintained and improved the breadth and depth of contributions across all 5 Cabinet Office Themes and 24 Model Award Criteria (MACs). These results would not have been possible without the collaboration and support of our SME partners (Centimany & Day 1 People). Together, we are developing a greater understanding of Team Forces’ contribution within the Social Value Model and continue to support our sponsors to gain real value from their investments through our Social Value as-a-Service (SVaaS). Team Forces’ future growth is built on successful collaboration, so we encourage public-private partnerships in delivering outcomes that inspire and motivate us all. Our development would not have been possible without the increased support of our sponsors and volunteers.