
Morgan Freeman is outraged by the “cheating” of artificial intelligence to imitate voices and thanks the fans

Morgan Freeman is outraged by the “cheating” of artificial intelligence to imitate voices and thanks the fans

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Morgan Freeman denounces unauthorized AI voice

What’s the matter

Hollywood actor Morgan Freeman, also known for his work as a voice actor, has publicly denounced unauthorized imitations of his voice by artificial intelligence (AI).

In a recent statement, the 87-year-old actor thanked his fans for their vigilance in detecting these AI-generated voice imitations.

He thanked his supporters and said: “I thank my incredible fans for their vigilance and support in exposing the unauthorized use of an AI voice impersonating me.”

Unauthorized AI-generated comment sparked outrage among fans

According to media reports, a TikTok user claiming to be Freeman’s niece posted videos that included a commentary with an AI-generated version of the actor’s voice.

As soon as Freeman’s fans noticed the unauthorized use of his voice, they tagged the celebrity to bring it to his attention.

Freeman’s authentic voice work includes the film’s narration The journey of the penguins and the Netflix series Life on our planetand also serves as the voice of CBS News.

AI voice imitations have caused controversy in the entertainment industry

Freeman’s criticism comes against a backdrop of increasing criticism of AI imitations in the entertainment industry.

In particular, Scarlett Johansson’s legal team recently demanded that OpenAI disclose how it developed its personal AI voice assistant Sky, which reportedly sounds very similar to Johansson’s own voice.

Johansson claimed she declined a request from OpenAI CEO Sam Altman to use her voice for a conversational form of ChatGPT for “personal reasons.”

Previously, Tupac Shakur’s estate had confronted Drake about AI imitation

In another controversy, rapper Drake was criticized by the family of American rapper Tupac Shakur for using an AI imitation of Shakur’s voice in his song. TaylorMade Freestyle.

The song was subsequently removed by Drake after Howard King, representing Shakur’s estate, obtained a cease and desist order.

This incident highlights growing concerns about the use of AI technology in the entertainment industry.