
Michigan Central Station, Mitch Albom, Trump-Biden debate

Michigan Central Station, Mitch Albom, Trump-Biden debate

What happens next after the restoration of Michigan Central Station?

Last Sunday’s “Letters to the Editor” were devoted to memories of Detroit’s Michigan Central Station and thoughts on restoring the station’s status.

What about plans or speculation about actual train service and the condition of the current Amtrak station in Detroit? The current station in New Center is a bare minimum. Arriving passengers are greeted with the message “Welcome to Detroit” written in mailbox letters on the wall.

In the 1950s, my mother could take the train from Grand Rapids to Detroit. Not anymore.

Restoring Michigan Central Station was once considered nearly impossible, but it was accomplished with widespread support and national recognition.

Rail connections to Michigan Central Station and the western side of the state are available. There are no obstacles in this area that cannot be overcome.

So often I hear my West Michigan friends and relatives say they would visit Detroit “if they didn’t have to drive.” A rail connection from Holland and Grand Rapids to Michigan Central Station would give thousands of people a new and entirely positive view of Detroit.

Aaron Dome


Mitch Albom is “almost always right” and “dangerously wrong”

After Mitch Albom writes a controversial article, the opinion section is often filled with letters to the editor along the lines of “Mitch is right and Mitch is wrong.” What readers often fail to realize is that in those same columns, Albom is almost always right, but also dangerously wrong. This begins with his preferred tactic of writing as a moderate, reasonable centrist. The only problem is that as he moves between left and right, he frequently perpetuates false equivalences between the two major political parties.

In his column last Sunday, he rightly wrote about how both Democrats and Republicans are using fear as a driving message in their campaigns (“Both parties have decided: ‘Fear’ is the word in the 2024 election,” June 23, Detroit Free Press.) Our politics have reached an unfortunate point, and Albom is absolutely right.

He went astray again when he claimed that both sides were guilty of the same crime. On the surface, of course, he is right. Both sides use fear as the main driver of their message to get people to vote for them or, more accurately, against their opponent.

However, the examples Albom gave objectively prove my view that he is once again drawing very weak parallels. He pointed out that Trump is scaring voters away with a Biden presidency that will drive our economy into the ground, allow violent immigrants to flood across the border, and cause transgender storytimes to infiltrate our schools. We have four years of evidence that a Biden presidency will not accomplish any of these things and has accomplished none of these things.

The Biden campaign’s warnings of a second Trump presidency are also fear-mongering, but there is one significant difference: they have already been proven correct. Albom’s column says that the Democrats are also trying to scare us by claiming that a Trump presidency will be one of retribution. Trump was actually quoted as saying exactly that. Also, the claims that he will be a dictator from day one are Trump’s words, not theirs. Albom goes on to say that the Democrats are trying to scare everyone by making them believe that Trump will try to repeal Obamacare, repeal abortion rights, and give tax breaks to the rich. These are also things that Trump has either talked about, tried to do, or did during his four years in office.

It’s one thing to scare voters with outrageous hypotheses. It’s quite another to remind them that they should be really scared by what they’ve already seen.

Bryan Chase

Huntington Woods

I can’t accept Mitch Albom’s “both-sided thinking”

While I greatly admire Mitch Albom’s writings and his extraordinary work to make our world and the world in general a better place, I cannot accept his “both sides” attitude expressed in his column last Sunday (“Both parties have decided: ‘Fear’ is the word in the 2024 election,” June 23, Detroit Free Press.)

Consider Mitch’s main argument that Trump is urging citizens to fear that “…a Biden-led Justice Department will go after you every time you disagree.” And at the same time, Mitch says, “…likewise, the Biden camp is warning about Trump…who will target his enemies (in what will be)…a four-year vendetta.”

So that’s what each side says. But responsible journalism requires some evaluation of the evidence.

There are numerous documents (many of them from Trump himself) that support Trump’s intent to target and prosecute those in the Deep State and the Justice Department, as well as others who were not sufficiently loyal or sought to dispense justice without fear or favor.

But where is the evidence that the Biden team plans to target citizens who disagree with the team? Documents outlining these plans? Statements from Biden or the Attorney General? Campaign materials? Speeches from Biden’s confidants or supportive political commentators?

It’s just not the same.

Michael Emlaw

Ann Arbor

“Joe Biden will make this country a democracy – Trump will not”

It was obvious that Joe Biden was not at his best during Thursday’s “debate.” The same goes for Donald Trump.

For Trump, it was more of a “lie fest.” Trump never answered the questions openly. He avoided them and lied blatantly.

Trump has no idea what needs to be done. He just wants to complain and talk about the border. Trump is a 78-year-old tyrant who never grew up. Joe Biden is not only a moral president, but also a good one.

Trump would abolish NATO and allow Russia to completely steamroll Ukraine – and why stop there? There are Poland and others. Let’s not forget that Trump attempted a coup on January 6th.

Trump said on Thursday what he also said at his “debate” with Hillary Clinton: He would only accept the election results if they were fair. Well, IT WAS FAIR, and he did not accept it. What makes you think he will do it this time? Joe Biden will make this country a democracy – Trump will not. For God’s sake, for the safety, prosperity and freedoms we enjoy and want – re-elect Joe Biden.

Jim Jeziorowski


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