
Voice of the People (June 30, 2024): Florida’s Right to Privacy

Voice of the People (June 30, 2024): Florida’s Right to Privacy

Florida’s Right to Privacy

The Florida State Constitution defines the right to privacy as follows: “Every natural person has the right to peace and to be free from governmental interference with his private life, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution.”

That seems clear. The clause defines who is entitled to privacy, and it defines the organization that violates the clause. The clause could also be paraphrased as follows: “The people of Florida should be protected from government interference.”

This idea was put into action when a federal court struck down a Florida state law that banned medical care for transgender people. The court found that the state could not “blanketly deny safe and effective medical treatment to transgender people” if the purpose of that denial was not to “support the patient’s transgender identity.”

In other words, Florida lawmakers cannot interfere with a person’s natural life just because they don’t like that life. As the deciding judge noted, “Gender identity is real.”

It was an important decision and a step toward making life a little better for Florida’s entire transgender population.

I just wish the same would happen with reproductive rights, where Florida is seeing an equally unethical intrusion into women’s natural lives.

But we can help turn things around in November – please vote yes to Amendment 4.

Ben Graffam, Lakeland

Voice of the People (23 June 2023): The US Supreme Court has lost its integrity

Trump’s turnaround supports RINO Laurel Lee

I’m disappointed in Trump’s support of a RINO! (Trump endorses Laurel Lee in race for 15th U.S. House seat after previously calling for challenge, June 14, The Ledger)

Lee never responded to our press request asking her to cut the largest item in our budget, as our Republican platform demands. “The federal government should not be in the business of student loan forgiveness.” Student debt is over $2 trillion. Students have overpaid taxpayers (“The U.S. Department of Education receives an average of $1.22 for every dollar paid in defaults,” Forbes). But that won’t continue. Students — who have been bled dry — can’t continue unless loan forgiveness is cut.

Forbes reported that “Trump proposes limits on student loan borrowing,” but even when Trump had a Republican majority in the House and Senate, he did not keep his word.

Without restoring student loan insolvency as a “control” for the Department of Energy, it will not restrict lending.

Trump – who often obtains debt relief worth billions – pursues a double standard along the lines of “bankruptcy for me, but not for you”, thereby violating the Golden Rule of his alleged religion, Christianity.

Funding the border will not be possible without necessary cuts in campaign spending, so Lee must go.

Gordon Wayne Watts, Plant City

Voice of the People (June 16, 2024): Marco Rubio gives up his integrity for Trump

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