
Local celebrities reveal Tulsa’s best spots in a social media series

Local celebrities reveal Tulsa’s best spots in a social media series

We all have our favorite restaurants and cafes, but one organization wanted to help Tulsa residents discover other people’s favorite restaurants.

In the “Best of Tulsa” series, Tulsa residents are asked to recommend these places.

While scrolling through social media, you may have stopped to watch these one-minute segments in which Oklahoma’s finest — from Kristen Chinoweth to Sterlin Harjo — talk to host Luke Leifeste about the best parts of Tulsa.

Luke returned to his hometown of Tulsa a year ago after more than a decade away.

“There was this collective energy of rebirth and revitalization and striving to make this city the best it can be, and that in turn energized me in a way that I hadn’t felt in a long time, even in New York,” he said. “I was doing these big celebrity photo shoots and shooting magazine covers and all that stuff, but in my heart I was thinking about Tulsa.”

That’s when he came up with the idea for the “Best of Tulsa” segment and suggested it to the Experience Tulsa organization.

“It was not my intention to host this show,” Luke said.

But his passion for the city was understandable. He gives a voice to the people – from illustrators to restaurant workers – who make Tulsa the best version of itself.

“We thought Tulsa needed this. We needed a place to celebrate our city, hear the voices of locals and spotlight local businesses; a platform that reflects the city,” he said.

For his latest contribution to the series, he chose one from Oklahoma’s Own.

We take meteorologist Travis Meyer out from behind his desk at the weather center and ask him questions about his leisure activities.

Stay tuned for his answers – Luke’s voice helps us fall in love with our city even more.

“I consider the show a love letter to Tulsa,” Luke said.

Travis’ “Best of Tulsa” video will be uploaded to the “Experience Tulsa” Instagram page by the end of the week.

If you have something good to share, send us an email to [email protected]