
Fallout 5 should fully embrace a trend triggered by the Amazon series

Fallout 5 should fully embrace a trend triggered by the Amazon series


  • Fallout 5 is set to include character builds from the TV series to provide even more immersion and fun for fans.
  • Playing as familiar characters from the series could enhance the Fallout 5 experience.
  • Bethesda’s decision to add playable ghoul characters to Fallout 76 in 2025 indicates a trend of expanding character options in future installments.

Stand out has been one of the poster series for post-apocalypse games for quite some time at this point. From the original isometric CRPGs of the 90s that set the world building and tone, to Bethesda Game Studios taking over the intellectual property and producing the modern first-person open-world entries, Stand out has remained a benchmark in popular culture for its vision and portrayal of an alternate history of nuclear war-torn America that is equal parts darkly disturbing and absurdly amusing.

At the beginning of the year, fans were able to watch the first season of Stand out Amazon TV series that takes established elements and lore and brings them to life in a live-action setting, introducing a fun collection of new characters in the process. Subsequently, the show sparked a wave of renewed interest from both longtime fans and newcomers, boosting attention and player numbers for the two most recent games, Fallout4 And Fallout76Although the next entry, probably Fallout5is probably still a long way off at this point, Bethesda should try to capitalize on the goodwill and momentum the show gained through a major trend it started: playable characters based on those from the show.


Fallout 4 players recreate the TV show characters in the game

Fallout 4 players share their faithful recreations of some characters from the critically acclaimed TV adaptation on Amazon Prime Video.

Fallout 5 should build on the popularity of the TV show and incorporate preset character builds from it

After the successful first season and the positive response, fans are having a lot of fun creating and playing characters from the Amazon region. Stand out in the games. Bethesda themselves have even published a breakdown of various applicable stats and perks that players have suggested for them, encouraging others to try them out for themselves and create and showcase their own interpretations. It’s a great way to bring the original characters from the live-action series into the game worlds, giving fans a taste of stepping into their skins and adding a great meta layer to the experience.

Fallout 5 should officially support and expand character creation based on the TV series

Bethesda has also recreated the events of Stand out TV series as canon, meaning it would be much easier to fit the likeable and recognizable characters from the series into the next game. Lucy MacLean, Maximus, Cooper Howard/The Ghoul, and possibly others could all be available from the start Fallout5 as choices for fans to play as. In addition, and as described above, they would likely come with a certain distribution of SPECIAL stats and perks. The latter could be incorporated into the available pool, allowing players to unlock or select them later, even if they don’t initially choose one of the pre-generated characters.

The studio could perhaps go even further and include specific dialogue options that fit each of their unique personalities and quirks, which would add another nice and haunting touch, such as Lucy’s chirpy “okey-dokey” refrain or the Ghoul’s snarky remarks and suicidal responses when interacting with NPCs. Since there is much debate about how Fallout5 will improve and expand on existing aspects. A great way to do this would be to take the characters from the TV series and make them fully playable, creating a stronger connection between the two and giving fans the opportunity to role-play and experience the story from their perspective.