
Gallant changed his mind and withdrew his desire for war with Lebanon

Gallant changed his mind and withdrew his desire for war with Lebanon

According to US authorities, Israel’s Security Minister Yoav Gallant has changed his mind about war with Lebanon and said he does not want war.

  • Israeli Security Minister Yoav Gallant (left) speaks during his meeting with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin at the Pentagon in Washington, June 25, 2024 (AP)

During a recent visit to the United States, Israeli Security Minister Yoav Gallant discussed with American officials key issues related to the ongoing wars of the Israeli occupation forces, focusing in particular on the major fronts in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon.

According to a report by The New York TimesAmerican officials noted a marked shift in Gallant’s stance toward what he had previously called the “destruction of Hamas and Hezbollah.”

After Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7, Gallant initially believed that Israel should have responded by trying to destroy both Hamas and Hezbollah, but his view has changed and he now believes that opening a new front is undesirable.

The newspaper highlighted that US officials believe the Israeli government is divided over the wisdom of “opening a larger front with Hezbollah in the north.”

Israeli Channel 12 also reported on the pressure the Lebanese front is exerting on the Israeli government and its military, and made it clear that concern about the Israeli occupation also extends to Washington.

US officials have said that stopping fighting in Gaza is the surest way to “reduce tensions between Israel and Hezbollah,” according to a statement. The New York Times.

The report further mentioned that President Biden’s plan had been questioned due to “additional demands from Hamas and ambiguous statements from Netanyahu.”

The Biden administration has urged “Israel” not to start a war against Lebanon, as this would be disastrous for both sides and could potentially trigger a regional war, especially if US intervention were to occur. In addition, US support for “Israel” will hugely harm Biden’s presidential campaign and diminish the votes of Arab Americans and progressive forces.

Since October 7, Israel has also been at war with the Palestinian resistance group Hamas, without being able to achieve victory. Hamas is a much smaller group than the Lebanese resistance group Hezbollah and essentially does not have high-quality and modern equipment and artillery.

Since “Israel” has failed to defeat Hamas in the last eight months, the chances of “Israel” winning a war against Hezbollah are slim.

Tensions between Lebanon and Israel have escalated as the Israelis escalated their attacks on Lebanese territory and threatened to “Back to the Stone Age.” For this reason, the media around the world is speculating about the possibility of a full-scale war with Israel.

In an article from Divana blog by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, states that “Israel” has much to lose if it decides to launch a full-scale invasion of Lebanon.