
Archbishop of Australia urges believers to value loyalty and compassion

Archbishop of Australia urges believers to value loyalty and compassion

In a heartfelt social media post, Archbishop Makarios of Australia shared a profound message about loyalty, support and the importance of appreciating those who stand by us in difficult times. His words resonate deeply in a world where it is often easier to walk away than to engage.

Archbishop Makarios stressed the importance of recognizing and appreciating those who remain steadfast in our lives. “At a time when it is all too easy to give up everything and leave, saying ‘leave me alone,’ at a time when anyone can leave at the first opportunity because they have the option to go either to the right or to the left, I ask you to truly appreciate the one who does not leave, who insists on being by your side and supporting you, who continues to communicate with you and send you messages, and who is ready to help you at any time and in any situation,” he wrote.

He encourages believers not to take for granted those who remain loyal and supportive, even when the going gets tough. Archbishop Makarios also urged people not to abandon those they consider their own. “And don’t abandon the people you consider your own so easily either. Respect every person as the image of God, or rather as if God himself were standing before you,” he added.

These powerful words remind us of the Christian call to love and respect one another and to see the divine image in every person. Archbishop Makarios’ message reminds us of the value of lasting relationships and the importance of compassion and steadfastness in our dealings with others.