
Taiwanese troops simulate loss of contact with Central Command during war

Taiwanese troops simulate loss of contact with Central Command during war

The Taiwanese military will simulate a war scenario in which its units have completely lost contact with headquarters and must operate on their own.

The simulation is part of a revised Han Kuang exercise that begins next month and focuses on testing effective operational plans rather than traditional drills.

According to the island’s Defense Ministry, troops will rehearse operations under a decentralized command structure in which they will have to make their own judgment calls.

In this way, the Taiwanese military could assess the extent to which its soldiers are prepared to launch a counterattack even without orders from above.

During the exercise, troops are expected to follow Taipei’s updated rules of engagement, which specify in which situations the use of weapons and ammunition is permissible.

“For example, if communications with higher levels are interrupted and there are attacks by (Chinese) aircraft, ships or missiles, missile companies can decide whether to fire missiles based on the rules of engagement,” a military source said. told South China Morning Post.

Revised exercise

The Taiwanese military will try to make the upcoming Han Kuang exercise as close to actual combat as possible.

This is intended to “familiarize all units with real combat environments and simulations” in view of the increasing enemy threats, said Admiral Mei Chia-shuChief of the General Staff.

To achieve this, Taiwanese soldiers are no longer given a “script” and the special forces no longer have to simulate the role of an attacking force.

In addition, some exercises are carried out at night, “since the enemy could strike at any time of the day.”

The Defense Ministry has also made it clear that fewer firing drills will be shown to the media, but only enough to keep the public updated on Taiwan’s latest military capabilities.

Preparing for China

The significant shift in focus comes as Taiwan prepares for a possible large-scale invasion by 2027.”

Beijing, which separated from Taipei in 1949 after a civil war, views the small island state as its breakaway province with which it must ultimately be reunited.

Last month, the People’s Liberation Army published a disturbing video This shows how an attack on Taiwan could potentially occur.

Chinese Defense Minister Dong-Jun also said his military was ready to stop Taiwan “by force” Independence.