
Bus Book Club, led by Eagles students, receives award from Board of Education

Bus Book Club, led by Eagles students, receives award from Board of Education

One Monday morning in October, Drey Martone’s fifth grade class gathered and each student shared something they did over the weekend to “fill their bucket,” an appreciation exercise the class did at the beginning of each week. Harper S. shared how she had witnessed an older student reading a book to a kindergartener on the bus the week before, and she was touched by the scene. That gave her an idea! Inspired by Harper’s story, Ms. Martone suggested that perhaps the fifth graders could start a club where fifth graders could read to younger students. And so the Eagle Bus Book Club (BBC) was born!

The enthusiastic fifth graders loved the idea and immediately began brainstorming the details. They first developed a proposal in the form of a Google Slides presentation that detailed the concept, potential problems (and proposed solutions), promotional plans, areas where they would need support, and plans to ensure the club’s continuation after moving to BCMS. The students then presented their idea to Principal Dianna Reagan and received her approval.

“In all my years as principal of Eagle Elementary, I can safely say that this student-led initiative is truly exceptional,” said Ms. Reagan. “It was born out of genuine care and compassion. These remarkable students have made it their mission to improve busing for younger students, and I couldn’t be prouder of their efforts. I have full confidence that they will carry that compassion forward to make a difference for others in their middle school years.”

With encouragement from Ms. Martone and classroom assistant Lisa Levasalmi, students carefully planned every detail of the club. They created a proposal for the other fifth graders, designed a registration form for interested students, wrote an overview letter for K-2 parents with an interest form, developed a training program for fifth graders, developed a contract for participating fifth graders to sign to highlight their role as mentors to younger students, created an FAQ sheet, designed promotional materials such as flyers and a video, researched and selected vests (so younger students could easily find their bus partner after school), and assigned students to their reading partners.

“The students did a great job developing the Bus Book Club,” said Ms. Martone. “I loved seeing how they all worked on various committees and how proud they were when it all came together. We really appreciated the support of the other teachers, staff and bus drivers – it was truly a team effort. This was a great experience and I hope the fifth graders can build on this club experience as they move into sixth grade.”

Recognizing the need to include students who do not ride the bus, the students formed B4BBC. With the support of teachers, these students met with their reading partners a few minutes before school ended to read together.

When asked what they enjoyed most about reading with the younger students, the fifth-graders mentioned the following highlights:

“I like reading with my friend because she chooses interesting books.” – Natalie A.

“My buddy makes a lot of funny comments.” Ellie L.

“I found a series that my friend really liked on the first day.” Evelyn P.

“My buddy and I have good conversations after reading this.” – Harper S.

“I just see my buddy enjoying the book!” – Brynn B.

“My friend wanted to bring books but forgot them, so I had to improvise and make up stories.” – London A.

“I loved sharing books I liked when I was younger. It was really cool to see that my buddy liked them too.” – Haylie S.

On Wednesday, June 26 – their first official day of summer vacation – several members of the BBC Committee presented information about the BBC to the School Board at its meeting. Each student received an Eagle pin from School Board President Holly Dellenbaugh and Superintendent Jody Monroe in recognition of their hard work. Students who were unable to attend the meeting received their pins at school on Monday.

As this class moves to BCMS in the fall, Eagle hopes to continue with BBC and B4BBC.

Thank you to all the students who participated in the inaugural year of the BBC. Thank you to Principal Reagan, Mrs. Martone, Mrs. Levasalmi, the teachers, bus drivers and parents who supported and encouraged this idea. And thank you to the students in Mrs. Martone’s class for all their hard work in organizing the BBC, good luck in middle school:

Natalie A.
Thomas B.
Brynn B.
Owen C.
Sarah C.
Nicholas E.
Cordelia K.
Lincoln K.
Danielle C.
Maria M.
Henry M.
Ryan M.
The operation.
Evelyn P.
Susanna R.
Christian H.
Sarah C.
Daniel L.