
New Jersey elects anti-Trump friend “Sloppy Chris Christie”

New Jersey elects anti-Trump friend “Sloppy Chris Christie”

The members of the New Jersey Republican Committee have shamefully elected a staunch opponent of President Trump to a new four-year term as a member of the national Republican Committee.

It’s a disgrace and wrong.

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie came out of political hiding to attend the meeting in Woodbridge, New Jersey last night.

Christie resurfaced to support his longtime friend Bill Palatucci.

In a very close election, Palatucci defeated Atlantic County Republican Chairman Don Purdy by a razor-thin margin of 22 votes to 20.

I interviewed Purdy yesterday morning. He predicted that it would be very close and that it could come down to one vote.

It did.

We cannot confirm it at this time, but the vote of a member of the neighboring Southern New Jersey Committee may have been decisive for Palatucci.

When I can confirm this with absolute certainty…I will announce the name of this New Jersey committee member.

Palatucci and Christie are more anti-President Donald Trump than you will find anywhere else in America.

Trump enthusiastically favored Purdy over a candidate (Palatucci) endorsed by “Sloppy Chris Christie.”

Purdy’s running mate, Janice Fields, won unopposed.

Purdy was the unfortunate victim of a collection of politicians who supported Palatucci for various reasons.

First, there is Chris Christie, who does not like President Trump at all and has a very close relationship with Palatucci.

Palatucci endorsed Christie against President Trump for the Republican nomination for President of the United States in 2024.

Palatucci was chairman of Christie’s Super PAC.

The race for governor in New Jersey (next year) was also a longed-for fate for Purdy.

Supporters of clear favorite Jack Ciattarelli endorsed Purdy, which led allies of gubernatorial candidates Jon Bramnick and Bill Spadea to endorse Palatucci.

Palatucci must now publicly support President Trump as a presidential candidate. Otherwise, Palatucci can be removed from office.

It was a terrible idea for the members of the New Jersey Committee to elect a fanatical Trump opponent (Palatucci) to this national office.

Several of my well-informed sources have advised me that Palatucci stated before yesterday’s election that he would resign if President Trump won the presidential election.

It’s like Palatucci wanted Joe Biden to defeat Trump in the presidential election.

Why did Palatucci run for office in the first place?

And why did 22 members of the New Jersey Committee vote for Palatucci against President Trump’s wishes?

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