
Make your voice heard in local politics

Make your voice heard in local politics

Voting is an essential aspect of being a productive citizen. It gives every adult the opportunity to influence and learn about their country. To forgo this right is a tremendous loss to the individual and the political landscape in which they find themselves.

This is the right our founding fathers, and later women and blacks, fought hard for. It is important to honor the blood shed and the battles won by making our voices heard at the ballot box.

In the United States, we enjoy privileges and rights that are part of the country’s founding principles. One of these is the right to vote. It has been an essential aspect of our political system since the founding of the United States, which at that time distinguished us from much of the world, which was still dominated by monarchies and feudalism.

The right to vote is a fundamental aspect of any democracy. However, as voter turnout declines, the essence and benefits of the democratic system are undermined.

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Voting is not a duty imposed on us by the state, but a means by which we can participate in the government that governs us. Yet this right is being neglected. In the last California primary election, voter turnout was low. According to an article by FOX40, of the 22 million registered voters in California, 33-35% cast their ballots.

Voting locally, in particular, has a significant impact on the community around you and allows you to make meaningful decisions for your area. It’s true that in states with clear Democratic majorities like California, dissenting votes from the president don’t make much of a difference, but by voting for your local politicians and laws, you have a much greater chance of making change through your own actions.

According to a study by the Knight Foundation, many non-voters said they deeply distrust the electoral system because the final decision on who will be elected president rests with the Electoral College, money has a strong influence in politics, and they believe the political system is rigged.

While these issues are valid and should be considered, it is important that you make your voice heard even if you may feel it will not affect the outcome. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and if you can’t stand up for your own beliefs and political convictions even at the micro level of local politics, you have no chance of ever seeing the changes you desire.

If this voter inaction continues in the coming general elections and beyond, it will demonstrate that a fundamental aspect of our democratic republic is being neglected.

This unique opportunity given to free countries like America gives you the chance to express yourself and shape your country’s history. It can also change the landscape of economic power and privilege.

The California general election is November 5, giving you the opportunity to make your voice heard. Learn about candidates and legislation, participate in the electoral process, and get involved in your community.

Voting is an important act that every American must participate in. If you believe in something, let it be known, because if you stay silent and assume others will take charge on your behalf, you may be left with a bleak future that is completely outside of your control.