
Why fans of The Acolyte should dive into this High Republic book

Why fans of The Acolyte should dive into this High Republic book


  • The Acolyte delves into the era of the High Republic and offers a new setting in the Star Wars universe.
  • Light of the Jedi
    is an important starting point for exploring the High Republic and introduces Jedi and antagonists.
  • Light of the Jedi
    takes a new approach to Jedi lore by featuring white-clad knights and confronting the threat of the Nihil.

The Acolyte is the first war of stars Series since The Mandalorian that allows new and old viewers to easily gain access to the story. However, there is always a rabbit hole that a viewer could fall into if they like the story well enough, and this is no different for The Acolytewith much war of stars Knowledge that is worth consuming.

The Acolyte is a unique war of stars series because it is set during the High Republic, an era that originally began as a publishing initiative. While The Acolyte Although the story takes place long after the events of the books and comics, it is still worth diving deeper for fans of the series, and there is no better place to start than with Charles Soule‘S Light of the Jedi Novel.

Light of the Jedi is the first major story of the High Republic

Cover of Star Wars: Light of the Jedi from the High Republic.


The High Republic is perfect for the next Star Wars film series

Star Wars has long been devoted to the same three eras of Star Wars, but the High Republic offers a fresh start that the films can take advantage of.

Things Star Wars newbies need to know about The High Republic

#5: Great Tragedies

#4: The big villains

#3: Familiar faces and places

#2: TV shows

#1: Summary book

The High Republic is now in its third wave of stories, which includes various novels and books, but the era really began with Light of the Jedi in 2021. Although the story is not canonically the first, it was the one that started the publishing initiative, similar to George Lucas started with A new hope. Light of the Jedi was a great success for Lucasfilm Publishing, It landed at number one on the New York Times bestseller list and featured the era’s most important Jedi and villains in its narrative.

The story presented readers with this new era of war of stars with various Jedi, such as Avar Kriss, Elzar Mann, Bell Zettifar, and the Wookie Aga Burry. The story follows each of these characters as they deal with the Great Disaster, a catastrophic event similar to the sinking of the Titanic. The novel was an excellent start to the High Republic era and did much to set the stage for future stories.

Light of the Jedi portrays the Jedi in a similar light

Sskeer, Keeve Trennis and Avar Kriss on the cover of the 2021 Star Wars: The High Republic series.


Why the High Republic is ultimately responsible for a major Star Wars event

The High Republic of Star Wars was an era of light and life, but the Guardian Protocols led the Jedi down a dark path from which they would never recover

war of stars Novels that fans of the films must read

#5: Thrawn: Alliances Two of Star Wars’ greatest villains face off in a story that spans eras

#4: Shadow of the Sith Fills in the details missing in The Rise of Skywalker

#3: Leia: Princess of Alderaan Details Leia’s youth and friendship with Amilyn Holdo

#2: Last shot Tells multiple stories of Han and Lando at once, giving fans a glimpse into unexplored parts of their stories

#1: The Princess and the Villain Paints a picture of the relationship between Han and Leia immediately after their wedding

The Jedi in The Acolyte appear in the series in white robes, similar to medieval knights. This all comes from Light of the Jediwhich offers even more insight into the different types of Jedi in the Order. For example, the book examines how each Jedi views the Force, such as Avar, who views it as music. In addition, Light of the Jedi offers plenty of new power abilities that will immediately capture the reader’s imagination.

In the era of the High Republic, there were Jedi stations on outposts, another element of The Acolyte. The Acolyte also examines how Jedi operate in a time without war. Light of the Jedi does this, as well as The Acolyte‘s opening text, but there are still conflicts. The Sith may not be present in The Light of the Jedi, but the Jedi are in just as much danger in the High Republic as they were in the prequels.

The threat of the High Republic era is as terrifying as the Sith

Marchion Ro from Star Wars: The High Republic


The High Republic shows how great Star Wars can be without a civil war

The conflicts in Star Wars have always relied on civil wars, but The High Republic shows that there is a better and different villain for the galaxy.

Star Wars: The High Republic comics that would make great TV episodes

#5: Adventures of the High Republic The second storyline is a space crime story

#4: The blade Would be a great martial arts show

#3: On the edge of balance Brings the dynamics of the manga to the franchise

#2: The nameless terror Brings horror to war of stars

#1: The eye of the storm has a malicious protagonist

While The Acolyte deals with the Sith, Light of the Jedi goes in another direction that is just as interesting. During the High Republic, the Sith live in the shadows and practice the Rule of Two, and it seems as if no Jedi encounter them until The AcolyteTherefore, the creatives behind the High Republic had to develop a new criminal group that could face the threat posed by the Sith or the Rich and that Nothing do justice to the enemies who came before you.

Marchion Ro is the leader of the organization and his debut in The Light of the Jedi is one of its highlights. Since the Nihil have no Force abilities, they must face the Jedi differently. The Nihil’s power to manipulate hyperspace makes them fresh and exciting antagonists for the Jedi to contend with. Described as space Vikings, the Nihil seek to take control of everything they can, putting the entire galaxy in danger. Any good war of stars The story needs convincing villains, and Ro and the Nihil give the franchise the scariest film since the prequels.

A new Star Wars era to enjoy


Why the Jedi changed their robes between the High Republic and the Prequel era

Between the High Republic era and the Forerunner era, the Jedi switched from white and gold robes to more muted colors. Why did they make this change?

Important Star Wars characters active during the Acolyte timeline

#5: Jabba the Hutt is one of the oldest characters in the original trilogy

#4: Huyang has served the Jedi for many millennia

#3: Yaddle was a well-known Jedi Master at the time

#2: Yoda would already be in the eighth century

#1: Darth Plagueis could be the Acolyte’s Sith Lord

Overall, it is exciting to see how Lucasfilm is preparing for a new part of the war of stars Timeline untouched in Legends. The High Republic now includes more exciting stories that fill out this era. Light of the Jedi This is where it all begins and it feels even further removed from the Skywalker saga.

Not only does it revitalize the franchise, it also feels like war of stars and remains true to his message. Light of the Jedi is the beginning of everything and one of the best war of stars books ever published. Heir to the Empire was the original book in which fans wanted to continue the story of Luke Skywalker, Darth Plagueis was for prequel fans who wanted to learn more about Palpatine’s past, and Light of the Jedi is in the same vein for fans looking for more High Republic content after getting a taste of the era in The Acolyte.

While Light of the Jedi is not directly connected with The Acolyteit is clear that it informs it since Creator Leslie Headland is a fan himself. The book is the genesis of this exciting new era in war of starsthat offers endless possibilities. The Acolyte contains enough references to the books set earlier in time, with the lightsaber-powered Jedi Vectors featured in the series, the Jedi Temples scattered throughout the galaxy, and the heroes wearing regal white robes but changing into combat gear when necessary.

war of stars The release kept the franchise strong even during the dark times when there were no live-action projects. The Acolyte is now one of the first live-action war of stars Projects that build their existence on an era that began in books and comics. Lucasfilm seems to have big plans for the High Republic era, not only in The Acolyte but in other media like gaming, Light of the Jedi a must-read for anyone who enjoyed the new series and the new additions to the franchise.