
ECOSOC HAS concludes with a call for more comprehensive humanitarian action

ECOSOC HAS concludes with a call for more comprehensive humanitarian action

On the sidelines

Negina Yari, chair of the Women’s Advisory Group of the humanitarian country team in Afghanistan, speaking to OCHA on the sidelines of the event, called on donors to support women. She stressed that strategies in Afghanistan should be based on “advice and engagement with Afghan women” to achieve better results, and that women’s groups should be funded and their rights protected.

Regarding Haiti, Guerda Previlon, Executive Secretary of IDEJEN (Initiative pour le Développement des Jeunes), appreciated that ECOSOC HAS provides a platform to prioritise women and girls. “It is my role as a woman, mother and member of the humanitarian team in Haiti to advocate for a greater role for women, children and girls in the management, planning and coordination of humanitarian assistance.”

graduation ceremony

In her closing remarks, ECOSOC President Ambassador Paula Narváez Ojeda, Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations in New York, called on everyone to reaffirm their commitment to support humanitarian efforts and proactive action. She also noted that support should ultimately “help countries and communities get back on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.”

Concluding the event, Msuya said: “This week’s discussions have reinforced my belief that this is possible. If we put humanity at the heart of everything we do, we can overcome division and tackle the challenges of our time together, united by a shared understanding of our common humanity.”