
A-list celebrities named in Jeffrey Epstein court documents: Donald Trump and Prince Andrew are among the names | Full list

A-list celebrities named in Jeffrey Epstein court documents: Donald Trump and Prince Andrew are among the names | Full list

Leonardo DiCaprio, Donald Trump and Michael Jackson are among the prominent names that have appeared in a legal case against Jeffrey Epstein, a deceased financier who committed suicide in 2019 while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges. Before and after his exposure as a pedophile, Epstein loved to associate with the world’s elite.

Epstein invited celebrities, high-profile politicians and academics to his private island and luxury homes. He offered celebrities flights on his private jet. He and his girlfriend, socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, hung out with princes and supermodels. Maxwell was accused by several women of helping Epstein recruit underage victims. She was later prosecuted and is serving a 20-year prison sentence.

Who was Jeffrey Epstein – the financier who trafficked young girls for over two decades

Now, newly released court documents have reignited interest in the big names associated with Epstein and Maxwell. Many of these individuals were never accused of wrongdoing but have nevertheless become the subject of a flood of conspiracy theories.

Third list with Jeffrey Epstein published, Hillary Clinton’s name appears

Some denied allegations by one of Epstein’s victims, Virginia Giuffre, that they had engaged in illicit sex.

Here’s a look at some of the people who have received renewed attention due to the release of the documents related to Epstein and Maxwell:

Prince Andrew

Among the most high-profile names in the document is Britain’s Prince Andrew, who was a longtime friend of Maxwell and continued to visit Epstein even after he was imprisoned in Florida for a sex crime. Virginia Giuffre sued the prince in 2021, claiming she had sex with him multiple times at Maxwell’s request when she was 17. Giuffre and Andrew settled the lawsuit in 2022.

Bill Clinton

According to the documents, former US President Bill Clinton flew on Epstein’s private jet several times. Epstein’s victim Johanna Sjoberg testified that although she never met Clinton, Epstein once remarked to her, “Clinton likes her young.” However, none of Epstein’s victims accused Clinton of wrongdoing.

Second Epstein list published: More prominent names appear in court documents

Donald Trump

The court document briefly mentions the name of former U.S. President Donald Trump, who had dealings with Epstein but is not accused of any wrongdoing.

Stephen Hawking

The new records contain a single reference to the late theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking. His name appears – misspelled – in an email Epstein sent offering a reward to anyone who could disprove a baseless claim that Hawking had participated in “an underage orgy.”


According to victim Sjoberg, she met pop star Michael Jackson at Epstein’s house in Florida, but did not give him a massage.

Leonardo DiCaprio, Kevin Spacey: Hollywood mentioned in Epstein court documents

David Copperfield

Sjoberg met American magician David Copperfield at a dinner at Epstein’s house and remembered him performing “some magic tricks”.

“He asked me if I was aware that girls were paid to find other girls,” she said of Copperfield during a 2016 deposition. She did not accuse him of criminal conduct.

News about Jeffrey Epstein: Open court documents provide new details about old sexual abuse

Glenn Dubin

The name of American billionaire and hedge fund manager Glenn Russell Dubin also appeared in 100-page documents related to Epstein and Maxwell’s sex scandal. Giuffre said in a testimony that Maxwell “told me to go to Glenn Dubin and give him a massage, which meant sex.”

Dubin has said he has flight records and other evidence proving that Giuffre’s allegations against him are false.

Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious “paedophile islands” to be converted into a resort

Bill Richardson

Giuffre also claimed she was pressured to have sex with former U.S. ambassador and New Mexico governor Bill Richardson. Richardson, who died last year, had previously said Giuffre’s claims were fabricated.

Alan Dershowitz

The name of former Epstein lawyer and Harvard University law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz was also found in the court record. Giuffre had long accused Dershowitz of sexually assaulting her half a dozen times in Florida, New York, New Mexico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. But Giuffre withdrew her lawsuit against Dershowitz in 2022, saying she “may have made a mistake” in identifying him as one of the men she had sex with at the request of Epstein or Maxwell.

Leslie Wexner

The trial also contained fleeting references to Leslie Wexner, the retail giant behind Victoria’s Secret, The Limited and other store chains. Epstein had managed Wexner’s money for years, but their relationship soured after Epstein’s 2006 arrest in Florida and prison sentence for paying an underage girl money for a sex act.

Jean-Luc Brunel

The French modeling agent and close friend of Epstein committed suicide in Paris in 2022 while awaiting trial. He is accused of raping underage girls. Brunel was accused by Giuffre and others of luring people, including minors, into sexual contact with promises of modeling jobs.

Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Bruce Willis and Cameron Diaz

Sjoberg spoke about Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Bruce Willis and Cameron Diaz during her testimony, but none of them are accused of wrongdoing.

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