
Marjorie Taylor Greene is angry because she is called a racist for demanding jobs for “white people”

Marjorie Taylor Greene is angry because she is called a racist for demanding jobs for “white people”

Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia complained on Thursday that Republicans were being accused of racial discrimination. At the same time, she argued that whites face intolerance in the workplace.

At a House Oversight Committee hearing on “Ending Illegal Racial Discrimination,” Greene said she was angry about the racist accusations against Republicans.

“I’m listening to my colleagues across the aisle today accusing Republicans of racism and hate. They’re saying we discriminate against people in the LGBTQ community or based on their race. That was horrific today, and I’m sorry for the witnesses who had to listen to that,” Greene said.

The MP then focused on several companies that she believed discriminated against white people.

“For people watching at home today, we’re talking about Title VII of the Civil Rights Act,” she said. “But today, and this was reported by CBS, they say that major U.S. companies gave 94% of new jobs to people of color in 2021. White workers accounted for 20,524 jobs, just 6%.”

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She also pointed out that financial services company BlackRock has a program to support “students who self-identify as Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native American, LGBTQ, or disabled.”

“This is about race, gender, LGBTQ, and white is definitely left out,” she claimed. “White is not on that list, so this would be based on race. That seems like a violation to me.”

Watch the House Oversight Committee video below.