
Chris Watts gave a frightening subconscious sign about his true character at his wedding

Chris Watts gave a frightening subconscious sign about his true character at his wedding

A body language expert examined new wedding footage of the wedding between Chris Watts and his wife Shanann, whom he later brutally killed along with their two daughters after learning she was pregnant with their third child

Killer Chris Watts clenched his fists at his own wedding, a behavior that could be mistaken for shyness but could also be a clear sign of impending danger for Shanann and her daughters.( Images)

Grim wedding videos have emerged showing killer Chris Watts with his hands clenched into fists as he watches his bride Shanann dance – a haunting foreshadowing of the day he would brutally murder her and their two little girls.

The community was shocked to discover that Chris Watts, a seemingly devoted family man, had strangled his pregnant wife and two daughters before disposing of their bodies in oil drums in a remote desert area.

Judi James, a body language expert, examined the couple’s wedding video for early signs of the horror that was to unfold.

READ MORE: Shocking last words of daughter before her father Chris Watts killed her and hid her body in a tank

READ MORE: Chris Watts’ brutal murder of his wife sheds light on the epidemic of intimate partner violence against women

“The last photo is particularly striking, with Shanann dancing, bending over and smiling at the camera, but he stands there watching her, staring at her with a serious expression and his hands clenched into fists,” James noted.

James further analyzed the footage and noted, “If Chris Watts’ wedding videos suggest anything, it’s an introverted-looking personality. His involvement signals are low here, while those of his wife Shanann are high. She seems at ease as she actively displays her love for Chris and her joy on their wedding day. She puts her arms around his neck and looks at him with admiration, and when they pose for photos together, her hand on her hip is a spread-eagle gesture that signals confidence and happiness.”