
This animated series is a must for every science fiction fan

This animated series is a must for every science fiction fan


  • Scavengers Reign is a unique science fiction animated series with a deep, existential story about survival on an alien planet.
  • The show features overlapping storylines, emotional arcs, unexpected deaths, and themes of love and loss.
  • Season 2 could be about civil war, romantic drama, exploration and the consequences of moral choices.

One of the most interesting aspects of science fiction is that not everything has to be live action. Mainstream properties like Blade Runner have ventured into animation, while franchises like Transformers And Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are best shown through animation. This has even led to animated films being brought to the screen.

Max had a very thought-provoking science fiction series that did not get the response many expected. This is nothing other than Scavengers rulean animated series created by Joseph Bennett and Charles Huettner. Although Max canceled it, it told a very insightful story about survival on an alien planet over 12 episodes, incorporating many themes from today’s popular shows and movies while presenting a powerful, existential story about the triumph of the human spirit.

What is Scavengers Reign about?


“Best TV buddy of all time”: Norman Reedus pays tribute to the dog actor from “The Walking Dead”

Seven, the dog actor who played Dog in The Walking Dead, has died.

Scavengers rule dealt with overlapping storylines. A transport ship, the Demeter, was stuck in orbit outside a mysterious planet called Vesta. This world was full of flora and fauna, but there were also many dangerous animals ready to hunt.. They became prey after some pods were ejected after the interstellar cargo ship was damaged. This led to various factions trying to stay alive on the planet. These included Sam and Ursula, who tried to tamper with other pods for power, bringing the Demeter down to pick up supplies and try to fly away on a rescue ship. There was also Azi and her robot Levi.

There was also Kamen, who formed a connection with a telepathic alien called Hollow. They all tried to return to the ship, knowing that there were loved ones on board. They didn’t want the other people to die as well. However, the series went like shows like The last of us. Sam was infected by an alien virus that put Ursula in danger amid her many trials. Azi had problems with other predators. To make matters worse, Levi formed a bond with bioorganic material and became an unpredictable type of creature-machine hybrid.

Kamen began turning into a monster after ingratiating himself with Hollow. The big twist for him was that he accidentally caused the malfunction after a domestic dispute and a bout of heartbreak. Scavengers rule worked in many emotional arcs and focused on the guilt, anger and fear of all involved. On their further journey they met other people who crashed, including space pirates. Against the backdrop of an animation that seemed to be influenced by Moebius, Scavengers rule contain much more nuances than what war of stars did.

It felt like a mixture of Star Trek, Cloverfield And A quiet place as everyone involved tried to stay alive while operating in secret. With the unique artwork and overall design, it was not only eye-catching, it was also heart-warming with all the unexpected deaths. It offered brilliant action, touching stories of love and loss and kept the viewers engaged. The reason for this is the main question: Should moral codes be broken under difficult circumstances?

The end of Scavengers Reign explained

Kris investigates Vesta in Scavengers Reign


The Walking Dead finale answered everyone’s biggest question

A twist in the final minutes of The Walking Dead series finale reveals what happened to a main character without giving too much away.

Eventually Sam died and Ursula and Azi bonded. They wanted to wake the humans from their cryogenic chambers, but Hollow attacked. The beast devoured Kamen completely, but luckily Levi came to the rescue. It used its power to separate Kamen and scare Hollow away. Another harrowing story arc unfolded with the other scavengers, Kris and Barry. Barry wanted to help Azi’s team, but unfortunately Kris betrayed him and stole the rescue shuttle. She flew away, reminding Barry to never trust anyone. It was a godsend for the rest of the heroes. Barry helped them as they freed humans to rebuild a colony.

There was no escape from this space rock, but at least they had each other. Over time, people used ship technology to grow fruits and vegetables. Ursula led the scientific research team and collected information about the animal and plant world. Azi reunited with her lover Mia, while Levi was able to reproduce asexually and create a new species. Ursula was happy that they all overcame so many obstacles. Even a mute Kamen overcame his turmoil and planted his own garden. It was very similar to the resolution and conclusion seen in shows like Sweet tooth where humanity had to unite or die out.

While peace and order reigned on Vesta, Kris received her fair share of karma. Her ship was taken hostage by an ominous space cult. They found her dehydrated and close to death, but it remained unclear if they were allies or if they would harm her. They wore masks so no one could tell if they were human or alien. It had this energy of properties like Foundation, endowment And dune. It also reminded fans that this story was about the consequences of one’s actions. Kris became a traitor and when the show ended, it seemed like she was paying for it.

How Scavengers Reign is preparing for Season 2

Hollow uses his telepathic powers in Scavengers Reign


Sweet Tooth: The darkest scene of the third season contains no violence

The third and final season of the Netflix series “Sweet Tooth” had many heartbreaking moments, but the darkest scene didn’t involve bloodshed.

Scavengers rule was a profound story about loyalty and strength in numbers. It is very much a space spin on The Walking Deadbut without the zombies. Season 2 could show how the colony holds up and whether a civil war breaks out. With so many different personalities clashing, some parties could be more selfish than others and end up in conflict. There could also be more romantic drama, not just with Azi and Mia, but with new couples as well.

Another important point would be exploration.. Ursula could use Barry and the new Levi to roam the land and seas. They would also want to create machines that roam the skies and help establish safe zones against apex predators. Hollow could even return with his tribe to seek revenge. Humans need to establish themselves as alphas at the top of the food chain, which is ironically what another cancelled Max series, Raised by wolvesdid it. After all, family is a big part of this world.

It is easy to imagine everyone helping to create a future, even if it means pitting judge, jury and executioner against each other. Season 2 may even raise the question of whether signals can be sent out so that the Demeter can be tracked and rescued from its command center. Some citizens would be excited about a possible homecoming, but that could lead to new problems if the rescue team decides to dig up the planet, exploit it and plunder its resources, as in James Cameron’s User image.

Lastly, Kris’ ship would need to be analyzed. This cult could be deadly. They found one of Levi’s children on board the ship, so they could very well commit genocide, take prisoners and species, or even invade and conquer. If aliens and cults need a new home, they can expand their rule on such a vulnerable world.

Will there be a second season of Scavengers Reign on Netflix?

Levi and Azi watch the horizon in Scavengers Reign


Sweet Tooth: The most burning questions of the third season

Season 3 of the Netflix series “Sweet Tooth” concludes the main storylines by giving closure to the main characters, but loose threads remain that leave fans perplexed.

Netflix has the first option to continue the storyThe streaming service has done this for shows like Luciferso it is doable. While Scavengers rule has a perfect Rotten Tomatoes rating but failed to make the top 10 in the US charts. The initial problem with Max was the lack of marketing. The promos also seemed very boring, with spectacle sacrificed in favor of a slower, more artistic feel. This may have had a spillover effect on the move to Netflix.

If Netflix doesn’t increase its advertising, it’s hard to see an increase Scavengers rule viewership. There is a small chance that lightning will strike and the show will go viral. But that time has not come. Right now, it feels like Netflix has just licensed another Max property, similar to Titans and is content to let it rest before the creative lease ends. It would be a shame, because this cartoon has so much potential, both in terms of story and in terms of look and atmosphere.

It is very different, it is made for adults and it goes deep with its themes, very similar to a cosmic version of Mad MaxHopefully Netflix will take the chance and make a second season. For now though, fans will have to really dive in, experience it while it’s available and see how merciless survival in Scavengers rule.

Scavengers Reign is now streaming on Netflix.