
Travis Kelce was stressed when Taylor Swift introduced him to Prince William and wondered if he should curtsy

Travis Kelce was stressed when Taylor Swift introduced him to Prince William and wondered if he should curtsy

In Travis Kelce‘s words, in case you did “Zero Dark Thirty” and weren’t on social media all weekend, Killa Trav had a major London adventure last weekend while checking out the girlfriend Taylor Swift She will perform her sold-out Eras Tour three nights in a row at Wembley Stadium, make a surprise appearance on stage at the last of these concerts, Louboutins and all, and – no big deal really – meet the next three contenders for the British throne, Prince William, Prince GeorgeAnd Princess Charlotte.

In the latest episode of New heightsthe podcast he hosts together with his brother Jason Kelcereleased on Wednesday and recorded over the weekend in a Philadelphia-style pub in good old London, the brothers talked about meeting the Waleses, British slang, and Jason’s ability to carry things (including pint glasses of beer) around in his mouth so he can use his hands for other things, like reaching the armful of beaded friendship bracelets he proudly displayed.

Travis, who recently spoke about Swift for over 10 minutes on another podcast, was keen to talk about Jason’s first Taylor Swift concert, something he had been urging his brother to do for months. Along with Jason’s wife Kylie Kelce (or “Princess Kyana,” as the siblings affectionately called her), the two watched, in Travis’ words, “as Tay absolutely rocked it.” Jason couldn’t help but compare Swift to another music legend.

“It was a great experience, the Swifties made it unforgettable, of course,” he said. “It was a great experience. It was great, everyone was so excited, they sang along to all the songs. There are two concerts that were like that: the one and the first time I Bruce Springsteen live. But it was on the same level as these crazy fan bases that love these artists so much that they know all the songs, even the whole flow of the show.”

He even got a little emotional during the show and admitted that he was touched by the part of the evening where Swift gave her hat to an audience member.

“The ’22’ hat,” he said. “Dude, I’ve never cried at a damn concert before and I literally had tears in my eyes watching that little girl’s whole concert – I’m about to cry! It was damn special. It was amazing.”

Daughter WyattHis favorite Swift song is “The Man,” which he dutifully recorded a video of and sent home across the pond. However, Jason revealed that the “highlight of the night for me” was Swift’s surprise acoustic set of songs.

“To be good at that in front of 90,000 people, I think you have to be incredible,” he said. “And you have to have great songs and great lyrics that she obviously wrote and composed herself, and then be able to perform them seamlessly on the spot without hiding anything else?”

He continued in an awed tone.

“It’s the most intimate thing,” he said. “You’re with 90,000 people, but for some reason it feels like you’re in a bar listening to someone play the piano. Damn, that was incredible.”

Travis, who, as mentioned, is proud of Swift, couldn’t help but add, “She gets it.”

The brothers also chatted about their meeting with Prince William and his two eldest children, which led to Travis’ legendary debut on Swift’s Instagram profile. Jason also got to meet the royal VIPs. Of William, Travis said: “Dude, he was the coolest motherfucker.”

Jason’s opinion?

“I still addressed him as Your Royal Highness,” he said. “I never felt emasculated, and I did. I never came that close.” And: “He’s a good guy.”

Although he was prepared for the meeting with the royals, Travis admitted that the classic dilemma of “what do I do with my hands?” stressed him out.

“I wasn’t sure whether I should bow to them, curtsy, or just be a damn American idiot and shake their hands: ‘What’s up, dude!'” he said. “We wanted to be polite, especially since we’re on this side of the pond.”

He continued to tease Jason about his deference to the royal family.

“I’ve never seen you show so much respect to anyone. You put your beer about ten feet away from you,” he said. “‘Your Royal Highness, thank you. Thank you for letting us enjoy your kingdom.'”

The Kelces said they enjoyed meeting all three, but a little Royal was the champion for them.

“I have to say Prince William was amazing, but the highlight was Princess Charlotte,” Jason said. “Prince George was great too. (But) she was so damn sweet.”

Travis agreed and called the young princess “a superstar.” They praised William and Kate Middleton‘s parenting style is to encourage her daughter to speak for herself. “If anyone does it right, it’s Prince William,” Travis said.

“I can’t put into words how she did it – maybe it’s because I have three girls now. She had a fire inside her, she asked questions, that was probably the most electrifying part about it,” Jason added.

All in all, it’s safe to say that the Kelce brothers had a really good time in London.