
Lisa’s Love Boutique in Bad Axe is closing; Lisa is moving away.

Lisa’s Love Boutique in Bad Axe is closing; Lisa is moving away.

After starting her business in Huron County about seven years ago, the owner of Lisa’s Love Boutique will close her store and switch to online sales as she plans to move out of state.

Previously, her company had been experiencing structural problems with the ceiling and plumbing for a year, as well as personal problems, including the death of her mother.

“This past year has been the hardest year of my life,” Beckrow said. “The death of my mother was the biggest blow to me because she was my best friend and my biggest supporter. Two days after her diagnosis, the ceiling in my building collapsed. The following week, the water pipes behind my building collapsed under the parking lot. I am the personal representative for my mother’s estate. This was and continues to be a huge task. The final blow was the end of my marriage. I did not want to get a divorce, but it had to happen. The grief was overwhelming and remains.”

Although she is leaving and closing her brick-and-mortar store, Beckrow will continue to run the business online through her website and Facebook page. This includes not only her store, but also her videos that she has worked on in the past with her store.

Beckrow purchased its current building in 2022 after moving from its original location on Pigeon Road.

As for her next plans, Beckrow said that during this trip and after her divorce, she got in touch with a long-time boyfriend and will be moving in with him.

“What a wonderful start to a relationship that builds on a 25-year friendship,” Beckrow said. “I’m moving in July to start over in a new state, new city, and I’m really looking forward to it.”

This also includes a name change for her business. Lisa’s Love Boutique and Studio will become “The Dirty Gertie,” named after the character of an old lady that Beckrow created during the pandemic and who was supposed to post updates about products and other information related to her business.

“The surprise was that my followers absolutely loved Gertie and asked her to perform more often,” Beckrow said. “Since then, we’ve done Dirty Gertie bingos and other events with her.”

“How can I say ‘thank you’ for the support over the last seven years,” Beckrow said. “The love I’ve been shown over the last year has truly filled my soul with happiness when it felt so desolate. Strangers have just stopped by to hug me and tell me I’m inspiring.”

“I truly love all of you. I wish you happiness in your relationships and ask that you keep the love growing (our motto is #LoveGrowsHere). Keep the love growing in Huron County. Never let evil win. One small act of kindness can send huge waves of love. Thank you for feeding my soul with love and laughter.”