
Yacht Club Soda: Second round Biden vs. Trump in soda pop poll

Yacht Club Soda: Second round Biden vs. Trump in soda pop poll

(Courtesy of Yacht Club Soda)

NORTH PROVIDENCE, RI (WLNE) — In anticipation of tomorrow’s presidential debate, Yacht Soda has announced that they will be returning with their soda pop poll.

According to a press release, two new flavors have been released in limited quantities to allow consumers to express their preference for the president: Donald Trump’s blow And Joe’s Bidenomics Berry.

As with the last two Soda Pop presidential polls, the Yacht Club will release the results of this poll in the fall. to see which political pop people like best.

The flavors are only available during the election season and consumers can vote online by purchasing their preferred variant.

In 2020, Donald’s Big League Punch beat Joe’s Berry-Blue Lemonade as the most popular flavor, 54 percent to 33 percent, but the election winner’s prediction was wrong.

In 2016, New Englanders’ palates predicted the election winner when Donald’s “Populist Punch” narrowly beat Hillary’s “Liberal Limeade.”

Frankie Galasso and Kristina Cinquegrana Petrilli, both graphic designers from Rhode Island, helped design the bottles.

Both flavors of Soda Pop Poll are now available at the Yacht Club Factory Store in North Providence, sold at farmers markets, and available through several distributors at local stores and restaurants.

Yacht Club Soda also ships flavors throughout the United States.