
Voice Caddie Laser FIT review

Voice Caddie Laser FIT review

Voice Caddie Laser FIT

While the flood of low-cost laser rangefinders that have flooded the market may seem like the era of innovation in this space is coming to an end, Voice Caddie has quietly continued to bring exciting new technology to market. Their latest rangefinder, the Laser FIT, is pocket-sized and has a very cool (and useful) new feature that could change the way you play. Even better, it’s available at a very attractive price and has many of the features we’ve come to love about Voice Caddie.

Laser Fit

The Laser FIT is the most attractive rangefinder with a stylish design and compact size. The new Ball to Pin mode provides accurate distance measurement by measuring the ball and pin at the current position without the golfer having to reach the ball. The dual display allows for clear distance measurement in any environment, and the Pin Tracer™ and Spot Measure modes provide fast distance measurement and the most accurate distance measurement.

The first thing you’ll notice about the Laser FIT is its size. Compact is a sometimes vague and overused description, but it fits the Laser FIT perfectly. As the pictures show, it fits easily in the palm of your hand. It’s tiny, especially when you compare it to a regular-sized rangefinder. Voice Caddie uses the term “pocket-sized” and that’s proven to be true. While many of us are sensitive about what we carry in our pockets during a round of golf, the Laser FIT fits easily in there without being too distracting if you’re not.

Voice Caddie Laser FIT in hand

We won’t pretend that the Laser FIT’s smaller size doesn’t take some getting used to. Our hands and brains get used to objects of a certain size, so we had to fumble around a bit at first to find the right buttons, and the position of the eyepiece felt a little odd for a moment, but these issues quickly disappeared over the course of a round.

The Metal Beige casing looks and feels high-quality. While not quite as impressive as Voice Caddie’s SL3, it looks more classy than the L6. The two colors complement each other well. At just 113 grams, the Laser FIT is surprisingly light, but doesn’t give the impression that it lacks durability or longevity.

3D ball for pinning

Voice Caddie Laser FIT internal eyepiece graphics

Ball to Pin is mentioned briefly in the Voice Caddie brief above, but it’s one of those things you might miss when you skim through it. When I realized what I was reading and what Ball to Pin really offered, I was really excited. Ball to Pin allows users to measure a distance from any point where they can see both the ball and the pin (or any target, really). The process is simple. You click the mode button once, measure the distance to the ball, then the distance to the pin. The Laser FIT will then give you the distance from the ball to the pin.

Maybe I’m just an impressionable Gen Xer, but Ball to Pin blew me away for this reason: We all know how much of a pain it is to play cart path only golf. You have to roughly estimate a distance and then carry a bunch of clubs to the ball. Sometimes you get it right and sometimes you get it wrong, but it’s always a pain. Ball to Pin gives you your number and lets you take just one club. Another use case is measuring your playing partner’s distance to the pin for them. This saves a lot of time because you can give them a number based on your ball and then hit your shot while they set up. Anything that speeds up the pace of play is a good thing.

The small size of the Voice Caddie Laser FIT

Of course, cool technology is great on paper, but it still has to work. We’ve tested Ball to Pin extensively both in a controlled environment and on the golf course. We measured distance using the Ball to Pin feature and then stood next to the ball and used the standard modes. The results were very impressive – each measurement was within 1-2 yards of the other. One final way to use Ball to Pin is to measure distance to blind targets. For example, you might not be able to see the pin from your ball, but you can see it 30 yards to the right of your ball. We didn’t have a chance to test this situation, but we have no doubt that it works as advertised.

Pin Tracer, Spot Measure, V-Algorithm and more

These three technologies should be familiar to Voice Caddie users. We won’t go into too much detail as we’ve already covered them in other articles. Pin Tracer is a mode that locks onto the pin when you hold down the main button, eliminating false readings of objects behind the green. Spot Measure, which requires just a simple click, provides readings for any object in 1/10th a second. This lightning-fast return ensures that you can estimate the correct distance to clear or avoid obstacles. And finally, the V-Algorithm is Voice Caddie’s method of determining slope values ​​with extremely high accuracy. Over the last 10 years, they have perfected this using data from PGA and LPGA professionals.

The Laser FIT offers 6x magnification and adjustable focus, so you can easily hit virtually any reasonable target with it. The dual display has three brightness levels and we found it easy to see in both bright light and dim light. Finally, the battery is rechargeable via USB-C and should last around 8 hours per charge.

details – Voice Caddie Laser FIT

For $200, the Voice Caddie Laser FIT offers a ton of value. The small footprint should appeal to many players, especially those who walk a lot and want quick access to their rangefinder. But the real attraction is the technologies built into the device. Voice Caddie rangefinders have consistently delivered amazing accuracy at breakneck speeds, and the Laser FIT is no exception. When you factor in ball to pin, which may be one of the most exciting things we’ve had the pleasure of trying in a long time, you have a product that feels like a bargain.

Dimensions 3.39 x 1.48 x 2.21 inches
Weight 4 oz
Advertisement Dual display
Battery type Rechargeable Li-Polymer battery with 500 mAh
Battery life 8 hours
accuracy ± 1 meter
Measuring range 5 – 800 yards (1 yard = 0.91 meters)
enlargement 6x

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