
Littleport singer-songwriter Georgia Nevada releases her new single “Home”

Littleport singer-songwriter Georgia Nevada releases her new single “Home”

Fans of country, rock and blues can look forward to a special treat: Singer-songwriter Georgia Nevada from Littleport releases Homethe first single in a series of releases, on June 28th.

The song is accompanied by a lively music video, which is scheduled to be released on July 3rd.

Georgia, Nevada. Photo: Keith Heppell

Directed by Georgia’s father and sister, with costumes by her mother and youngest sister, a camera crew and dancers made up of family friends, props from her godfather, and acting from her band, this music video is a true embodiment of the phrase “a labor of love.”

Georgia says: “To make a music video of this magnitude would normally require a lot of financial flexibility, but I was lucky to have friends and family who were happy to lend me a hand with their talents.”

Since September 2020, Georgia has had two number one singles on the UK iTunes Country Charts, reached number 36 on the iTunes All Genre Charts and released three further top three singles, two of which were collaborations.


This was followed by Sin on a budgetwhich peaked at number two on the UK iTunes Country Charts.

Georgia, Nevada. Photo: Keith Heppell

(Read more: Georgia Nevada: Singer from Littleport causes a sensation in the British country charts)

For more information about Georgia Nevada, visit