
Book by book: Anne Lamott

Book by book: Anne Lamott

I read Anne Lamott’s Bird by bird right after I graduated from college, which changed my views on writing and life in general. This was a very special pleasure to ask the great novelist and non-fiction author my usual questions to Marineate on …

What are you doing? I’m the author of 20 books, a mother and grandmother, a progressive believer, and now a pickleball player. I also taught Sunday school for 30 years at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Marin City.

Where do you live? Fairfax.

Music in San Jose ParkMusic in San Jose Park
Music in San Jose ParkMusic in San Jose Park

How long have you lived in Marin? My whole life. I grew up in Tiburon in the ’50s and ’60s when it was a railroad town.

Where can we find you when you are not working? St. Andrew, the pickleball courts at McGinnis Park, hiking in Deer Park, or lounging on the couch.

If you had to convince someone how great Marin is, where would you take them? Samuel P. Taylor Park, San Quentin Beach or Book Passage.

What is missing from Marin? More middle class people and people of color.

What advice would you give to your fellow Marines? Turn off the cable news and get outside. Visit one of the food banks or soup kitchens and join a community of people who are helping or mentoring the underprivileged.

If you could invite anyone to dinner, who would you invite? My dear Molly Ivins.

What advice would you have liked to have known 20 years ago? The appearance of your butt is number 197 on the list of things that matter here on earth. If you want to have loving feelings, do loving things.

What will embarrass you in 20 years? Thick, dark eyebrows with microblading.

Big question. What would you do to change the world? Work tirelessly to save democracy and women’s rights in November. Register voters, send out countless postcards to encourage results in swing districts, and make yourself a swing state.

Stay up to date with Annie: @annelamott on Instagram.

Nish Nadaraja was part of the founding team of Yelp, is a member of the San Anselmo Arts Commission, and is trying to play pickleball at the Cañon Club in Fairfax—but hasn’t played with Annie yet.