
World War III is just around the corner

World War III is just around the corner

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan is issuing a strong warning to the entire world that Israeli atrocities in Palestine, particularly Israeli attacks on senior Hamas officials in Lebanon and Iranian targets in Syria, could spread the ongoing war in the Palestinian territories to the entire Middle East. Fidan pointed out that the attacks by Iranian Houthi militias on merchant ships in the Red Sea show the extent of tension in the region. He warned the concerned states and world powers in the region that if they do not deter Israel, the war could spread to the region. And the regional war would end in a way that all states in the region would lose.

During a live broadcast last Monday, Fidan reiterated his concerns about the potential impact of the ongoing war on the world. He warned clearly about the risk of a third world war, especially in light of recent developments in the Middle East and the conflict in Ukraine. “The world must take this scenario, this threat, seriously,” he stressed.

In addition, many other politicians both in the West and in the non-Western parts of the world have started talking about the escalation of regional crises and the threat of nuclear war. Some politicians, such as Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, have started naming dates for the beginning of World War III. Some politicians, such as Josep Borrell, the European Union’s foreign policy chief, pointed out that the war in the Middle East is about to expand. However, the people who are warning the world about the expansion of the war are doing nothing to prevent this process. On the contrary, they continue to support Israel, which is pushing others to the brink of regional war. It is also interesting to see that the Lebanese Hezbollah has threatened the Southern Cypriots that they will become a “base of operations” for Israeli aggression by opening their airports and bases for Israeli use against the Lebanese targets.

Western support for Israel

Turkey and many Muslim and Arab countries have called on Washington and other Western states to stop their unconditional support of Israel’s attacks on innocent civilians in Gaza. The more Western governments continue to support Israel’s genocide against the people of Gaza, the more they will experience moral decay, social unrest, political instability and economic costs. In other words, the more the West supports Israel’s atrocities against innocent civilians and its crimes against humanity, the more it will lose its comparative advantage in all areas.

On the other hand, Israel does not shy away from going to war with some other regional actors and states. Having lost its legitimacy in the eyes of the world due to its unlimited use of violence against children, women and the elderly in Gaza, the Israeli government is trying to regain support by bringing Iran and some other actors such as Hezbollah into play. The international community has made no effort to prevent the escalation of tensions in the region. Thus, Israel and its Western backers have violated the most important principles of international law and destroyed the cornerstones of the global system.

The West’s stance on the Gaza issue has many direct and indirect consequences. First, by supporting Israeli atrocities in Palestine, Western countries have weakened their position in the Ukrainian war against Russia. While they support the genocide in Gaza, no one will support their political discourse against the Russian invasion of Ukraine, since the situation in Gaza is much worse than that in Ukraine. In fact, many Western countries are preparing for an escalation of the conflict in Ukraine and a war with Russia, a development that brings with it the possibility of nuclear war.

Israeli attacks pose the risk of a system war

Second, faced with the unlimited use of violence against civilians, the occupation of another people’s/state’s land and the pursuit of a one-sided policy towards other states, all states in the region have started to focus on armament and power. The recent Israeli attacks will prompt other states in the region to continue their respective militarization processes. The region will turn into a powder keg that could explode at any time. Unfortunately, the probability of a spillover effect of a full-scale regional war in the Middle East is quite high. This could trigger a systemic war in which most world powers could participate directly or indirectly.

Third, since the US and other Western countries have been providing Israel with unconditional military, political and economic support, their respective peoples have become increasingly critical of the policies of their respective governments. They do not want their government to endanger their national security, and they do not want to pay the price for Israel’s atrocities. The people who have lost their trust in the so-called mainstream politicians have started to vote for far-right politicians who generally also pursue conflict-ridden policies. That is, Western governments and peoples are in a dead end and do not know how to get out of this dead end.

Ultimately, Western governments pushed the world further towards further political and economic instability, especially after destroying the institutions and principles they themselves had created. The current political and economic developments initiated by irrational politicians are inevitably pushing the world towards a third world war. Therefore, the world awaits a return to reason.