
Star Trek “is actually a love story,” says executive producer

Star Trek “is actually a love story,” says executive producer


  • Star Trek is essentially about character relationships and love stories, says executive producer Alex Kurtzman.
  • Love stories in various forms have always been an important part of Star Trek.
  • Star Trek television series allow viewers to explore character relationships across multiple episodes, providing depth and complexity.



Star Trek Is “really a love story”, according to Executive Producer Alex Kurtzman, and this is very clear in Star Trek: Discovery. Although Star Trek: Discovery iThe series is strictly serialized and action-packed, and essentially revolves around the characters’ relationships, with the love story between Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and Cleveland Booker (David Ajala) taking center stage. discoveryHowever, Alex Kurtzman points out that Love stories in various forms have always been an important part Star Trek.

The Los Angeles Times spoke with Alex Kurtzman at the conclusion of Star Trek: Discovery and pointed out Discovery, especially under Star Trek shows is “a riot of love stories”Kurtzman explained that, whether in the form of iron-clad friendships among starship bridge crews or romantic relationships, In Star Trek: “Everyone is in a love story.” Read his quote below:

There’s definitely a story like that in Star Trek. Whether the characters had direct relationships or not, there was always a subtext of love between them. I think that’s why we love the bridge crew, because it really is a love story, everyone is in a love story, and they all care about each other and fight like family. But ultimately they’re there to help each other and explore the universe together. When there’s a strange problem and the answer isn’t immediately obvious, each of them brings a different set of skills and therefore a different perspective; they clash in their debate about how to proceed and then find a miraculous solution that neither of them would have thought of at the beginning.

Alex Kurtzman also discussed how Star Trek as a television saga allows the audience to immerse themselves in the characters’ relationships over several episodes. Read his quote below:

The nice thing about the shows is that you can
Spending time with them, as opposed to a two-hour movie where you have to get in and out quickly and then wait a few years for the next one to come along. Being able to be there on their weekly adventures offers a depth and complexity of narrative that a two-hour movie just can’t achieve in that way.


Burnham & Books Discovery’s happy ending is something I’ve always wanted from Star Trek

Michael Burnham and Cleveland Booker get a happy ending and a love story in the series finale of “Star Trek: Discovery.” Star Trek rarely manages that.

Source: Los Angeles Times