
Love locks fall from Ocean City Fishing Pier and cause discontent

Love locks fall from Ocean City Fishing Pier and cause discontent

A large section of the fence along the popular Ocean City Fishing Pier is conspicuously bare after scores of love locks were removed without much warning in May. Now, signs hang in their place asking people not to add additional locks.

Most of the locks and much of the fencing along the pier have begun to rust due to the salty air. These safety concerns ultimately led to their removal, a decision that was met with fierce controversy among both city residents and visitors.

Over time, many locks have been placed on the fence to honor deceased loved ones, engagements, weddings, births, and countless other special occasions. Today, many of these locks have disappeared and there is no hope of them ever being found again.

“I agree with the community,” said Maryland resident Briyiana Hernandez. “I just don’t think it’s fair.”

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Beachgoers voice their support and say it reminds them of Paris, France

When Dee Evans, another Maryland resident, first stepped onto the Ocean City Fishing Pier is located at 401 South Atlantic Ave. She thought of the famous Love Lock Bridge in Paris, France.

“That’s a great idea,” Evans said, noting that the love locks immediately caught her eye. She was surprised to hear that some of them had recently been removed for security reasons.

Beachgoer Brian Budd understands why the locks had to be removed, but he believes the locks could have been disposed of in a more considerate manner.

“If they need to be removed, don’t just throw them away, put them somewhere else,” Budd said.

“It would have been nice to display them instead of throwing them away,” Evans agreed. “If there was a plaque, people would feel better. If the locks have to be removed for repairs or for security reasons, I understand that. But don’t just throw the locks away.”

Evans believes that even the rusty locks deserve safe keeping.

“Find a happy medium for everyone,” she said.

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A local resident with a sentimental attachment to Ocean City’s love locks

David Horn has worked in the tackle shop at the Ocean City Fishing Pier for over 30 years and has encountered a diverse cast of characters. Some beachgoers who visit his small shop come for the scenic views, while others come to fish.

“I enjoy what I do. I make people laugh,” Horn said. “When someone walks in the door, I greet them. My greeting is, ‘How are you guys? Ready to go fishing?’ That’s my standard greeting, and that gets the ball rolling.”

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The view from Horn’s seat behind the cash register is simply unmatched.

“I like it up here. Look where I am I’m over the ocean,” he said.

Yes, the vast Atlantic Ocean is undoubtedly a sight to behold, but for Horn, the view is special because of his personal connection to the love locks, two of which he views daily from his chair.

“My wife died ten years ago. There’s a castle out there with my name and her name on it,” he said. “I remarried, and there’s a castle out here with my name and her name on it too.”

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“Many people are sad” about the removal of love locks in Ocean City

Numerous residents have expressed their displeasure to Horn about the removal of the love locks.

“There’s an older guy who’s probably 90 years old who rides his bike here every day,” he said. “When I first started selling locks, he came in and got six locks for his deceased family and put their pictures on all the locks. Every day he would come and stand here for 30 to 45 minutes with his family.”

Then, in May, the elderly gentleman stood in front of an empty fence to which his six locks had previously been attached.

“One day he came up and (the locks) were gone,” Horn said. “He still comes because this is his place. But a lot of people are very sad.”

Horn said after replacing part of the fence and removing many of the locks, about four rolls of the new fence were placed in a nearby staging area for future use. But after community members’ outcry, the rolls of fence have since disappeared.

“The whole idea behind (the love locks) is to honor someone or something,” Horn said. “They are special to people.”

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Olivia Minzola covers communities on the Lower Shore. Contact her with tips and story ideas at [email protected].