
Exhibition in Põltsamaa presents famous regional food and wine | News

Exhibition in Põltsamaa presents famous regional food and wine | News

The Põltsamaa Museum has opened a new permanent exhibition “Modern Food and Wine from Põltsamaa” (“Moodne toit ja vein Põltsamaalt”), which presents the success story of food and wine production from the beginning of the last century to the present day.

Visitors are greeted by the most famous product of today’s Põltsamaa – the “Kosmos” jam and food for astronauts sold in toothpaste-like tubes, such as borscht, coffee and cocoa. Leaked canned goods, salads and juices are also on display.

The overview provides insight into over a century of winemaking history.

“The entire management of this factory is characterized by a spirit of innovation, development and innovative approach,” said Egle Oja, director of the Põltsamaa Castle Complex.

“The jars contain real preserves, there are originals and also products that have been restored to the present day, because unfortunately not all of the originals that we wanted to present here are still preserved.”

Põltsamaa continues to produce canned soups, canned salads and mustard, but the company has stopped wine and canned food production because the factory required major investments.

“But our exhibition once again summarizes the long history of wine production, which is a unique, long and continuous history in Estonia too. Despite the various powers that have been in power, wine production has been kept alive here,” said Oja.

“We plan to present the history of dairy farming and the dairy industry of Põltsamaa in a new exhibition that we are currently developing,” Oja told Aktuaalne kaamera.

Visiting the food production exhibition in Põltsamaa is free of charge.

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