
Opinion – The unholy alliance: fossil fuels and war

Opinion – The unholy alliance: fossil fuels and war

Fossil fuels have long been powerful figures on the global energy chessboard, driving economies and, unfortunately, fueling conflict. Wars have long been fought over resources, but in the modern era fossil fuels have become a major driver of conflict. This connection has profound implications for international stability, economic security and environmental sustainability. The ongoing war in Ukraine clearly illustrates the terrible consequences of fossil fuel dependence and is a wake-up call for the global community.

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the world has witnessed a stark example of how fossil fuel revenues can be used to finance war and aggression. Russia has earned an incredible €693 billion from fossil fuel exports since the war began. The countries of the European Union alone have purchased over €196 billion worth of these exports, directly filling Russia’s war chest.

Fossil fuel revenues have enabled Russia to sustain its military efforts, causing immense human suffering and destroying Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. 50% of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure has been destroyed by Russian attacks, leading to power outages in at least five regions since March 2024. Ukraine’s largest private energy company, DTEK, has reported a loss of 85% of its coal-fired power plant capacity and significant casualties among its employees. This destruction underscores the vulnerability of energy infrastructures in conflict zones and the severe humanitarian crises that can result.

Despite the outcry against Russian aggression in Ukraine, the policies of European and G7 countries remain contradictory. These countries publicly condemn Russia’s actions but continue to provide financial support through the purchase of fossil fuels. During the week of June 10-16, 2024, Russia exported an estimated €5.06 billion worth of fossil fuels, including €2.04 billion worth of oil, €1.84 billion worth of oil products and chemicals, €0.66 billion worth of gas, and €0.52 billion worth of coal.

Moreover, since the beginning of the large-scale invasion, European countries have freely allowed ship-to-ship transshipment (STS) in their coastal waters, allowing Russia to conceal the origin of its oil and circumvent price caps. Only after lengthy public campaigns, particularly by Ukrainian organizations, did the EU finally include a transshipment ban in its 14th round of sanctions, but scandalously with a nine-month “transition period” before it takes effect. This practice not only undermines the sanctions, but also helps Russia maintain its revenue streams, exacerbating the conflict. For example, in May 2024, Russia overtook the US as Europe’s largest gas supplier – a revelation that clearly highlights the hypocrisy of European leaders who supposedly seek an end to Russian wartime atrocities.

Fossil fuel dependence goes beyond immediate geopolitical conflicts; it has far-reaching consequences for global stability and environmental sustainability. Fossil fuels are not only a source of revenue for aggressor states; they also contribute significantly to the costly global climate crisis. Russia’s large liquefied natural gas (LNG) “carbon bombs” are exacerbating climate change and have cost the EU over €650 billion since 1980. These large-scale fossil fuel projects generate at least one billion tonnes of CO2 emissions, a staggering figure that dwarfs the annual emissions of entire nations.

The economic consequences of this dependence are equally severe. Europe’s dependence on Russian LNG gas, despite efforts to reduce it, continues to pour European blood money into Russia’s pockets, resulting in tens of thousands of Ukrainian casualties. From May 2023 to May 2024, Germany alone imported an estimated €182.4 million worth of oil products made from Russian crude oil. Although Europe is working to diversify its energy sources, imports through the port of Zeebrugge in Belgium increased by 41% to 4 billion cubic meters in 2023 compared to 2022. European companies have supplied over $630 million worth of equipment to Russia’s Arctic LNG 2 project, further entrenching dependence on fossil fuels.

Despite these challenges, there is hope. The war in Ukraine has boosted global efforts towards energy independence and sustainability. Europe ended the winter season with record-high fossil gas stocks in storage, a testament to the growing success of cheaper renewable energy production. This shift is critical to reducing dependence on Russian fossil fuels and moving towards a clean energy future.

Renewable energy sources have been proven to be not only cheaper but also more reliable than fossil fuels. They offer a way out of the myriad problems that fossil fuels cause, including financing petro-dictatorships, promoting desertification and famine, negative health impacts, and inflation. The progress made by Ukraine and other countries in adopting robust renewable energy sources is commendable and offers a blueprint for others.

Building more clean energy plants and investing in renewables such as wind and solar will increase Ukraine’s energy security and even help maintain electricity supplies while Russia continues to bombard the country’s energy infrastructure. To do this, however, Ukraine will need direct help from the European Union by investing in the country’s clean energy infrastructure of the future.

The link between wars and fossil fuels is a complex and deep-rooted issue that requires immediate and decisive action. The war in Ukraine has highlighted the devastating consequences of fossil fuel dependence and the urgent need to accelerate the current global shift to renewable energy; the energy of the future is clear. By cutting off the financial lifelines that fossil fuels provide to the Russian petro-dictator, supporting Ukraine’s transition to resilient clean energy, and enforcing comprehensive sanctions, the international community can take an important step towards ending the horrific cycle of violence in Russia.

As we look to the future, the progress made by Ukraine and other countries in using renewable energy is a glimmer of hope. Transitioning to clean, renewable energy is an economic and strategic imperative for Ukraine, which is struggling for energy security, and a critical component of ensuring peace and security in the world. It is time for the world to act, end the hypocrisy, and support a future free from the shackles of dependence on fossil fuels. Only then can we hope to build a world where energy does not fuel war, but promotes peace and prosperity for all.

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