
Read the book review that Amazon banned for ‘hate speech’

Read the book review that Amazon banned for ‘hate speech’

Since my last book, False Flag: Why Queer Politics Means the End of Americawas released last Tuesday, but its Amazon page is behaving extremely oddly. Not only was the book sold out on Amazon for most of the week after its release, but friends I gave review copies to before release day were having a hell of a time getting those reviews to even post on Amazon. Oh, did I mention that people can’t find my book on Amazon when they search by name?

Perhaps the strangest behavior was Amazon’s response to Federalist contributor John Lucas, who had his review of False flag to Amazon on June 18, the day the book came out. It wasn’t until June 24 that Amazon sent him what appeared to be an automated response claiming his review contained “hate speech” or a number of other Amazon no-nos. Here’s a screenshot of the Amazon response email John sent me, timestamped 5:04 a.m. ET on June 24.

Here is the text of Lucas’ review as he submitted it on June 18. Judge for yourself whether it contains “hate speech,” “profanity,” “harassment,” “sexual content,” “illegal activity,” or “private information.” Hint: It doesn’t.

Perhaps Lucas’ statement was what prompted the Amazon reviewer to make his claim that “the military is manipulated into embracing the barbarism of transgenderism.” An entire chapter of the book documents how the U.S. military does just that. Several sections of other chapters discuss the abhorrence of pulling the skin off a teenager’s arm to create fake male genitalia and regularly making male genital amputees wet themselves with urine every time they use the bathroom. Love is love, right?

Or perhaps Lucas’ use of the term “Rainbow Mafia” triggered the reviewer. However, as others have already noted, Amazon sells copies of, for example, my fightAdolf Hitler’s infamous autobiography, which celebrates racist hatred and murder. Amazon publishes books comparing Donald Trump to Hitler, which is surely an even more offensive comparison than “Rainbow Mafia.”

Amazon reviews of Matt Walsh’s book What is a woman? claim that gender extremists “groom” children and use the term “left-wing woke mob.” An Amazon review by Abigail Shriers Irreversible damage says trans activists are “slaughtering” children. “Rainbow Mafia” appears to fall within Amazon’s previously published review standards.

I asked Amazon why Lucas’ review was flagged as violating their guidelines. As of publication, they have yet to respond. I would also like to ask them about several other strange things that have happened with this book on their book selling platform. Here is a breakdown.

Book title, author Do not mention the book

Check out these pictures friends sent me. Most people misspell my last name, with only one “N” instead of the correct two. To change that, my publisher included the misspelled last name in the search terms on the Amazon book page. Even so, some people can’t find my book when they type my name and the book title into the Amazon search bar.

The misspelled surname does sometimes mention my previous book. This means that Amazon knows that “Joy Pullman” and “Joy Pullmann” are the same person and are linked to the book with the title False flag.

In fact, people who typed in “false flag” were shown “Joy Pullman” in the Amazon search bar’s autocomplete, but when they clicked on that autocomplete, they were directed to the above page, which of course doesn’t show the only book that matches those search terms.

“Sold out” for almost the entire release week

Within hours of my book being released on June 18, Amazon listed it as “out of stock” and continued to do so for the entire week of release. Here is the screenshot from June 18.

Here it is June 19th. Still sold out.

Here it is June 20th. Still sold out.

No shipping date or delivery for two weeks

Amazon is known for its fast shipping. They can get me nail clippers from Germany in a day or two. Usually, Amazon can even deliver books that people pre-order the same day the book comes out. But people who have ordered My Buyers who ordered the book on release day received an email informing them that they would not receive the book for approximately two weeks.

Some people who ordered the book in the days following its release were not given a shipping date at all.

Slow publishing time for reviews

Lucas was one of several dozen friends who volunteered to tell other people about my book. They read an early review copy I distributed and posted their honest opinion on release day. It took almost the entire release week for most of the reviews these friends submitted on Tuesday to become public. Some submitted on release day are still not publicly available a week later.

There may be perfectly innocent explanations for all of this. Amazon’s website and fulfillment processes can reportedly be extremely cumbersome, especially on the backend for sellers. After all, they ship millions of products all over the world. But I get emails and texts from dozens of people because they know that Amazon and other Big Tech websites have a history of suppressing non-left speech, especially about sexual politics.

Amazon employees tried to get the company to refuse to sell Shrier’s book. The Seattle Times cited internal messages from employees urging the company to Irreversible damagewhich is based solely on his questioning of extremist queer ideology.

According to the Times, the company has a Books Diversity, Equity and Inclusion group that works to ban books that challenge queer ideology from the world’s leading book-selling platform. A member of Amazon’s Books DEI team told the Times they fought “for months” to ban Shrier’s book from the platform. That same year, 2021, Amazon refused to serve customers who wanted to buy Ryan T. Anderson’s W.When Harry became Sallyand banned the gender-critical book from its online shelves.

So it would not be surprising if some Amazon employees would sabotage another book from the same publisher that even more harshly criticizes an ideology that legitimizes child abuse, such as cutting lifelong open wounds into children’s chests. They can False flag at many other retailers.