
Kenyan youth protesters prepare for nationwide strike

Kenyan youth protesters prepare for nationwide strike

Kenya prepared for a nationwide strike on Tuesday in response to calls by youth protesters for a nationwide shutdown as opposition to the government’s planned tax hikes gains momentum.

The demonstrations, led mainly by Generation Z, surprised President William Ruto’s government. The Kenyan head of state said at the weekend that he was ready to talk to the demonstrators.

Dissatisfaction with the already high cost of living sparked nationwide rallies last week over the Ruto government’s proposed tax increases in the annual finance bill, which Parliament must vote on by June 30.

The protests were largely peaceful, Ruto said in his first public comments on the demonstrations on Sunday, but the Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA) and human rights groups said two people died during Thursday’s rallies.

The organizers of the protests demanded that the police be held accountable and reiterated their demand for the complete abolition of the finance law.

“We are beyond the stage of speaking and will not be silenced. We demand an end to police violence, respect for our constitutional rights and the freedom to express one’s opinion without fear of arrest or harm,” Hanifa Adan told AFP on Sunday.

Several organizations, including Amnesty International Kenya, said at least 200 people were injured in the protests in Nairobi.

“The country is at a crossroads,” said a statement from the Kenyan section of Amnesty International on Monday.

“Despite mass arrests and injuries, protests have continued to grow, underscoring widespread popular discontent.”

Amnesty International added that the movement was bringing the government and police to a “critical turning point where escalation of violence could lead to further deaths and legal consequences.”

– Kidnappings –

Human rights organizations accused the authorities of abducting protesters in violation of the law.

“These kidnappings are intended to intimidate protesters who wish to participate in future peaceful demonstrations. The aim is to pressure MPs to reject the bill,” the Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) said on Monday.

“These kidnappings mostly take place at night and are carried out by police officers in plain clothes and in plain vehicles,” the KHRC added, calling for the “unconditional release of all those abducted.”

Police did not respond to AFP’s requests for comment on the allegations.

In addition to a strong social media campaign and street rallies, protesters also resorted to unconventional tactics, such as demanding that bars stop playing music at midnight on weekends while partygoers broke out into chants of “Ruto must go” and “reject funding bill.”

According to television images, event organizers and social media, smaller groups of Kenyans also protested in front of several embassies abroad over the weekend, including in Washington and Paris.

The protests also found support among some Anglican and Catholic church leaders.

During Sunday mass, the chairman of the Kenya Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop Maurice Muhatia, called on the government to take the matter seriously “and not deny it”.

– Mountain of debt –

The financially weak government agreed last week to reverse several tax increases.

However, Ruto’s government still intends to raise some taxes, saying they are necessary to fill the state coffers and reduce dependence on foreign loans.

Kenya has a huge mountain of debt, the cost of servicing which has skyrocketed over the past two years due to the depreciation of the country’s currency, making interest payments on foreign currency loans more expensive.

The tax increases will put further pressure on Kenyans as well-paying jobs remain out of reach for many young people.

After the government agreed to abolish taxes on bread purchases, car ownership, and financial and mobile phone services, the Finance Ministry warned of a budget deficit of 200 billion shillings ($1.56 billion).

To fill the gap left by these changes, the government now plans to raise fuel prices and export tariffs, a move critics say will make life even more expensive in a country already suffering from high inflation.

Kenya has one of the most dynamic economies in East Africa, but a third of the country’s 52 million people live in poverty.
