
Love horoscope for every zodiac sign on June 25, 2024

Love horoscope for every zodiac sign on June 25, 2024

The sun is in Cancer and the moon spends the day in free-thinking Aquarius. When the moon is in the waning gibbous phase and in the sign of Aquarius, it enforces emotional independence and autonomy.

This Tuesday you can understand what patterns or habits are working against you and how to find the freedom to break them. Allow yourself to grow and let go of what you no longer need because the love you have dreamed of is waiting for you.

On Tuesday, you can attract and achieve the kind of romantic connection you seek if you shed and let go of toxic patterns and habits that work against you. But to shed something, you must first become aware of it, and that’s a lesson brought by the Aquarius Moon and Sun in Cancer.

Cancer energy brings with it things related to home and family. Childhood teaches you what love is, how to approach it, and what to do when it looks like love is ending. But that doesn’t mean you were raised in the healthiest way to approach romantic relationships. Now is the time to learn how to do it better, and that’s exactly what the waning gibbous moon in Aquarius can help with.

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Here’s what each zodiac sign can expect in the love horoscope on June 25, 2024:


You may want to rethink how your friendships affect the romantic relationship you choose. Of course, you’ll want to take your partner to social events and everyone wants to get along well, but there’s a difference between that and choosing someone your friends think is the best match for you. Only you know your soul, Aries, so make sure you give yourself the freedom to choose someone who really appeals to that part of you.

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When you can free yourself from what you thought was important, you create more space for love to actually grow. Financial security and independence are an important part of life; however, your heart might not agree with some of your decisions. You can’t choose someone just based on the type of life you could have together; instead, you need to make sure that love comes first for you.

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You crave profound experiences and adventures in life, but you need to make sure you take your partner along for the ride, Gemini. It doesn’t have to be an either/or scenario, but you can have both if you allow yourself to believe in it. Be careful not to cling to excessive independence right now and treat your partner accordingly. While you will still have your own life, it will pay off to actually prioritize the partnership more consistently.

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Intimacy is so much more than what happens behind closed doors, Cancer. In fact, everything that happens in the privacy of your own home is just a product of the overall sense of intimacy you’ve built with your partner. You may want to think about whether you’re really open, letting the walls down, and ready to build the deep bond you desire. Have interesting conversations, let go of the fear of being judged or losing someone, and show yourself ready for a deep relationship.

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The only opinion that matters, Leo, is yours. If you can make your love decisions from this standpoint, you can also create more authentic connections – and even joy. You may want to reflect on what motivated your choices, as well as any tendencies that lead you to choose the same kind of partner over and over again. There is, of course, power in taking control of your choices and learning that you can decide what kind of love you accept.

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It can be hard to carry a pain around with you, and the longer you do, the more you even begin to identify with the pain itself. But you are not your wounds. You are not what you have been through or what has happened to you. Maybe it is time to take a step back from life and continue to heal your heart. Consider some alone time today, whether it is a walk in nature or even a massage. You need some time here to let go of what has been weighing you down.

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There is no rule that says marriage is the only commitment two people in love can make. But that can only become clear when you decide for yourself what love means to you and what kind of commitment resonates with your soul. Don’t hold back from sharing your desires or even your dreams with your partner, because it’s not how you commit to each other that matters, but your reasons for doing so.

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Freedom is not just about being able to go off and do whatever you want, but also about truly having the confidence to live in harmony with your soul. But to receive this gift from the universe, you must also make the decision to let go of anything that no longer aligns with you. You have grown, Scorpio, which means you need to let go of the old so you have more room for the new.

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Communication can be difficult for you, especially in love. You are often considered the philosopher of the zodiac, which of course has its gifts, but not necessarily when your partner is looking for clear intentions and transparency. Try to be more aware of your presence and conversational style, knowing that your partner needs direction at this moment and not theories for the future.

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Think about love and a relationship in a more honest and authentic way, Capricorn. Sometimes you get too attached to a plan that you didn’t even think of, but was given to you. Find the kind of love you really want again, and then don’t be afraid to try something new. Everything you’ve let go of at this point was never something you really needed.

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You have a unique and beautiful way of looking at love that allows you to create what you want and need. But sometimes, Aquarius, you can doubt that visionary aspect of yourself and instead just go along with it. Take back your power today, trust your instincts, and if you want something, all you have to do is say it. Your partner appreciates you for being yourself, so all you have to do is positively improve or change your connection.

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Soulmates really do exist, Pisces. There are divine spiritual connections that defy logic or reason. But to truly attract that kind of love, you need to stop approaching matters of the heart from such a practical perspective. You’ve done a great job of becoming more logical and healthy when it comes to relationships, but now it’s time to let the pendulum swing a little more to the middle so you don’t miss out on the magic of it all.

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Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologer, intuitive relationship and life coach and curator of tailor-made retreats.