
Clay Township – The Voice

Clay Township – The Voice

Officials investigate report of intruders

According to a police report, Clay Township police were called to the 8000 block of McKinley Road on June 13 after reports of trespassers on the property. The caller reported seeing a truck he did not recognize on the cameras at the home and was concerned that someone was trying to steal items from his back home. Officers made contact with the driver of the suspect truck, who turned out to be the caller’s brother-in-law and a partial owner of the property. The caller confirmed that he had permission to enter the property and was a partial owner. A report was filed on the incident and police concluded that no further action was required at this time.

Police are dispatched after alarm is triggered

According to a police report, Clay Township police were called to the 6500 block of Bethuy Road on June 11 for a report of an alarm going off in a building. Officers noticed several open doors and employees working as if nothing had happened. Officers checked with the employees, who said they had opened the door to allow some air into the building. Officers contacted management and confirmed there were no problems. They cleared the location and took no further action.

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