
Prestige High Flyers Club returns for a second season | Prestige Online

Prestige High Flyers Club returns for a second season | Prestige Online

On Friday, June 21, 2024, the Prestige High Flyers Club celebrated its return with a second edition of its annual Masterclass in collaboration with Sansiri. The first of seven sessions took place at the Peninsula Hotel in Bangkok and brought together 35 ambitious participants who share a common goal: to succeed in their professional lives.

The afternoon began with an introduction by BurdaLuxury’s CEO Björn Rettig, who set an inspiring tone for the day. This was followed by a workshop led by Chana Wanichapun titled “Building Stronger Connections with Neuroscience”. This innovative session explored the science behind fostering meaningful connections and aimed to enhance participants’ networking skills using the BANK Personality Profiling System.

After a short tea break, participants were put to the test in an interactive workshop called ‘Speed ​​Coding’, where they were encouraged to decode each other’s BANK profiles and improve their networking skills.