
Are you keeping your spiritual eyes open? – Love worth finding – June 24

Are you keeping your spiritual eyes open? – Love worth finding – June 24

June 24, 2024 – Are you keeping your spiritual eyes open?
Matthew 13:33
Sermon: 2046 The strange secret of the devious housewife, part 2

Pray about it

“And he spake another parable unto them, The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole of it was leavened.”
Matthew 13:33

think about it

Before you “have a meal” at a church, check out the kitchen and see who is working there. Don’t rely on the taste test alone, and don’t judge by your gut feeling alone. Read the ingredients, learn the teachings and heart of the staff and members, and see what’s in there, because the devil wants to get in and he does this in many ways.

The devil doesn’t have just one way of doing things. Do you remember the parable of the sower? How does the devil go about it? He catches the seed. Do you remember the parable of the weeds? How does he go about it? He imitates the seed. And what about the parable of the mustard seed? How does he go about it? He spoils the seed. In this parable of the leaven, he infiltrates the church.

How can we resist it? We must come before the Lord and ask Him to remove these leavens from our lives. We must know if our sin is affecting the body we belong to. That is what we must focus on so that the Lord will cleanse us as a body of believers. We must desire that He would rid us of all leaven so that we become one body. Our faith is not in being filled with knowledge. Good wheat died to itself: it was crushed and broken, baked in fire, and fused with every other grain of wheat. We must keep our eyes open to see how the bread is made, we must keep our eyes open to the devil’s schemes, and we must be people who submit to God so that we can reflect what pleases Him.

  • What ingredients make a good church?
  • Which areas of your life are “sourdough”? What needs to change?

Practice this

Talk to other church members and encourage each other about the positive aspects of your church.

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